(Moderator please delete)

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by crazygideon, Nov 20, 2004.

  1. Rat's Tool

    Rat's Tool Guest

    (Moderator please delete)
  2. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    YOU'RE you illiterate dumbfuck. As in a conjuction of YOU ARE. Jesus I am surrounded by MORONS!
  3. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    I was just about to reply with pretty much the same thing. MY fat?! YOUR fat!
  4. Rat's Tool

    Rat's Tool Guest

    (Moderator please delete)
  5. Coma White

    Coma White New Member

    Hey, Dwaine could you pay for flying over there? I'll be your slave for the whole time if you pay for the plane tickets.
  6. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Dwaine's ass crack is sexier than you.
  7. Rat's Tool

    Rat's Tool Guest

    (Moderator please delete)
  8. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Does that make you about 2 ft tall?
  9. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    dude, its not like you have to cross the border to get to Dwaine's.
    or do you have to cross the border? nice try, no one here is gonna smuggle you in, dillhole.
  10. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    i could fit like 6 plus one in the very back if they dont mind getting a heart attack from the subs in the back :? maybe 2 on the roof. but theres no way im footin the gas bill by myself.
  11. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I am not footin the bill this time, a local shop wants too, so I will let you guys know whats going on as it happens... What did I miss in here?
  12. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    Hey hank, for what it's worth, Fugly Backs up this site regularly. All your posts still exist.
  13. Rat's Tool

    Rat's Tool Guest

    I did not erase my post to hide something to Fugly. I caused Reiz and others so much grief so I took down everything. That is still within my control to do so or are you gonna bitch about that too?
  14. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    I don't give a flying fuck what you post or don't post, you fucking chink. I am just shit stirring you. And it's great because you bite so fuckin' well. Get off the net and get a real life, moron.

    EDIT: I had to edit this because it's TGIF time here at work, and it's beer o'clock. I had more than my share of free grog.
  15. Rat's Tool

    Rat's Tool Guest

    Okay I'm sorry for making you mad again.
  16. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    if ylou hav a hand gun hady, use it on yourelf, slanty eyes!!!
  17. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    i ccoulnt be fucked fixng tha onme!
  18. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

    Yo, Reiz you have a very tight ass. I am impressed. I am a nice guy looking for a nice girl with a tight ass kind of like you. I am willing to disregard any freaky shit you post on here as I know it a crazy world. I think we could have alot of fun together. What do you say? I am in reasonably good shape as you could see from my Mr. T outfit. I would give it my all in trying to satisfy your womanly needs and if I did not succeed the first time I would try again until you cried out in ecstasy. ALright little lady.
  19. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    olkg yoir fucloing wkdju fouyou fiu ;peeinmlke wlankler
  20. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I don't know if she is down, but if you wanna put on the Mr. T outfit and run in odd opatterns in my backyard, while me and my friends shot 12 guage non-leatheal bean bag loads at you, it would be greatly appriciated...

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