Here's a feature of these boards that I just discovered. It's a little button that I have that you guys don't. It just says, "IP". When I click it, things like this come up, per Rat's Tool's last post: IP Information IP address for this post [ 57 Posts ] [ Look up IP address ] Users posting from this IP address Rat's Tool [ 57 Posts ] crazygideon [ 50 Posts ] JeskainCA [ 9 Posts ] Other IP addresses this user has posted from [ 9 Posts ] [ Look up IP address ] [ 6 Posts ] [ Look up IP address ] [ 4 Posts ] [ Look up IP address ] [ 1 Post ] [ Look up IP address ] Pretty interesting stuff. I thought you guys might like it.
Gideon and Rat's tool are the same guy? Then in some threads he had been arguing or agreeing with himself, what a lfucking loser this guy is.
I was wondering when Fugly would start using that function! I help run a phpbb also and I know it was only a matter of time until I was caught. The clues were there tho... While I'm at it I should come clean about those pictures...smiles was right all along. See I am crazy. :lol:
does he look asian to you sirrah? And I suppose you think Horus, Fuzzy and others you accused are still me too.
This is true,very true. I got some sad news tho. I finally found a job and they hired my lame ass. These few months of unemployment has been tolerable because of this forum. I wonder if they will fire me if I use company time surfing Since his highness likes to erase my posts...I will stick with this account.
Well there goes the most fun we're had in a long time on here :cry: Back to reading millions of threads by Dweebo.
Hey Hank, I want to know why you never had any come backs when I took the piss out of you? You always gave others shit but you never really went for me. Care to explain you fuckin slope? Or are you chink?
Frankly my dear, you scare me. And I am a fucking chink but you can call me hop sing. My neighbor does and I hope hes joking.
Alt.troll even rejected me as a troll back in 2000. Back then, alt.troll and alt.tinygirls got together to make me look like a huge ass. This time, I was spanked much lighter but nevertheless spanked.