BWAHAHAHAHAHA! hot?!?!? what shit hole do you live in? she looks like yor retarded sister!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
is that the look you get when you realize your fucking your sister? or trying to fuck cuz I bet your still a virgin,and why the fuck do you keep posting pics making you look like a FUCKING IDIOT? damn die already I see how they have to specify whos male and female,even his kind have a hard time telling
Look here Hank, or whatever the fuck your name is, maybe in the festering swamp of human rejects that you call home, that bush pig might be considered "hot", but to the rest of the world she's a classic super mega fugly.
Hey look here, cunt lips, you don't know me and don't know how deep or shallow I am. I just make observations based on what I see on a forum. I certainly don't think I know you. I don't want to know you. The display you make of yourself here shows you are a mentally retarted wanker, who probably still lives with his mother. There's a big, wide world out there besides comic books, the internet and your inflatable girlfriend.
i still don't believe that's him, untill i see this guy in a pic holding "i love fugly" in one hand and his girlfriends(female?) bloody tit in the other i'll stand firm on the belief that he's just bullshitting us
that date bitches that look like guys cuz the only hot chick they would ever stand a chance with,only takes cash up front.. :roll: and I bet you still had to pay that creature to do anything with you