Shit I've ran out of popcorn... don't start fighting 'til I get back... Who is this fat fella with the NASA strength optical prescription?
FUck yOU and YOUr Boyfriend Too, I am too a Porn Star And PinkFluffyBooTs.... I Am Not an Ape But A Skunk And I SucK MEn'S DickS
That would be as far as we can work out, Skunkape, Rat's tool, PornStarFuzzyminge, maybe Horus and a few other new posters.Oh and we mustn't forget the new one-Tool's tool.
nO!!! I aM juSt onE PersON. I aM Not Any oF ThosE UveR PeepLE. I aM A poRN Star bAbY YeAHhhhHHhH!!!!!