Re: It's time to choose But they're all you, and you suck on other men's dicks. That certainly aint cool.
Maybe it has multiple personalities? Did anyone ever read any books by Michael Slade? Particularly "Ghoul".
maybe if we were all "a symetrical" porn star lame asses we would, but sorry we arnt the coolest ppl here, Rat's Tool, JeskainCA , PornStarFuzzyBunnySlipper , HORUS are.
easiest way to prove us all wrong, is simply, take a pic holding up a pic, in hand wringing that says IN HANDWRITING, all of them... that simple... but we all know it will nerver happen
ROFL "please nigger please"??? who the fuck do you think you are. Go play with one of your multiply personalities.
Must be nice to have a fake conversation with a fake person. This will all come to a close when we stop reponding to the posts. My fellow Fuglies, join me in this effort. Make this the last time you make that reply to the transexual's post Stand strong in the face of idiocy Pray to Lord Fugly that he may smite the post whore But above all, stay strong DO NOT REPLY!
im not gonna keep denying that im this guys 4th personalitie since, he wants everyone to think that i am and some retarded people like our old transvestite pal here cant seem to see that and the more i deny it the more hell think im lying i dont have a webcam or a regular one, or a picture of me that isnt like 6 years old not to mention i dont have the time, energy or the motivation to get a picture and post it so you know what? if you wanna think im the blind fagboy then right ahead blondie i wouldnt piss on you if you were on fire, so i dont give a flying fuck what you think, im just setting the record straight here cunt
i second that, hes here for the attention dont give it to him, i wont post in his threads anymore,not after this one
wow this bitch must be psychic cuase she posted less that a minute after you with no retarded ramblings any where else but here