well its that day again, that comes once a year. i got a treat yesterday and went to the rennisance festival and saw tons of tits, large and small: ugly and beautiful, in a nippy 5oish weather. then had some pit bull go one a rampage in my nieghbor hood attacking my nieghbor and his mother in law, and a vietcong boy down the street, the boy's father propmtly came out and shot the mad dog in front of my house.
Happy birthday! sounds like you had a good time. did you get any pictures of the tits or the dead dog? POst them biatch! :wink:
ah no pics of the dog or tits, i sould invest in a digital camera. but ill barrow one to take a pic of the blood left over. apperently the dog was only a year old and was built pretty big cause the SPCA guy looked under my niehgbors truck and said "thats one big fuckin dog". Jay(my nieghbor) actually shot the dog between the eyes with a 9mm, but the damn dog got up 20 mins later and started straggeling about. he tore up the little asian boy, he had stitches on his cheek and on his ass. the blood still hasnt dried yet and has a tacky complection to it. poor dog tho, should match up the dog who was like 80-90 lbs with an owner whos only nine, the owner had tried to get it but the dog was stronger than the owner.