what do you do for a living dan? you dont happen to be the head of a mining company and looking for a certain mining machine part, would you?
all this guy can come up with is nigger cracks...better watch that, one day a nigger will kick your fucking ass!! fucking loser....no.....gutter snipe...hehe...no.....pork slush.....fucking ball nibbler...gosh, this is only the internet and i can still smell your stale cunty stinch go take a bath. maybe the funk is clouding the artery to your brain and infecting your blood to make you be such a pipsqueek!
LOL thats some funny shit i tell ya, Hey Dan im not gonna call you dangerous cuz you have to earn that really cool nick name in my eyes.LMAO Anyway Time for me to go slap my bitch up! Come here Dwaine!
heres something really weird once, way back 1999 or 2000 back when napster was around, i was downlaodin some stuff, went to the chat room and talked to this chick "xaviers chick" i remember that nick cause she was all nigger nigger this and nigger nigger that, what the fuck are the odds of me finding her again?
I didn't even waste the energy to read this thread until now. Did David and StrangelyBrown breed or something? Because their offspring are cluttering up the forums.
Yo, that ain't my picture. This here's my picture. http://groups.msn.com/T114411411/shoebox.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=121