You don't know who footlicker is??!!Man! He's the guy that...uh no wait,wrong guy.Nevermind ------------------ I tell you what you need is a phatty bo batty blunt.And I'll garauntee you'll see the ocean,a sailboat,and maybe some of those big titty mermaids doing some of that lesbian shit.
You do not know him? Hell do any of you not go to the chatroom? He's a legend in his own lunchtime! Or so he says. Lol!!
probobly a fucking nigger, and we have enough of them around here thank you very much...soeaking of niggers, where is I HATE NIGGERS?
Would all you nigger haters FUCKIN RELAX? I mean, I din't care what race you hate.... Just don't keep ramblin on about it... You have to have a variety or something.... I mean there are thousands more races and cultures out there to discriminate against..... HAVE SOME FUCKIN VARIETY FOR FUCK SAKE! discriminate against chinks for awhile or something....
Hey hey hey...not all of us are racist... I personally hate everyone equally. It just doesn't matter what color you are. Bullets are color blind. Remember, the definition of humiliation: The harder you try, the dumber you look. 6-7 "Feh."
i raise myown bullets from children and if you persevere with them they can be educated into the awareness of the many other colours avalable to maim and slay so in conclusion bullets are not colourblind if educated effectively ------------------ Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse
they do tend to cause havoc in the playground tho ------------------ Live Fast Die Young Leave a Goodlookin' Corpse