my friend got in some shit and got a gun a few days ago which he didnt look at untill AFTER HE PAID, an idiot i know, well as it turns out its a rusty ass Mauser, he trying to sell it now, is it worth anything it looks like an original, not a chinese replica guessing because it says Mauser on it... once again is it worth anything?
that depends on which model mauser it is, what shape its in etc take it to an antique shop or something
it's pritty rusted but it says somehting like " WAFFE APRIKAMAUSER OB(P?)ERNDOPPA. NECKAR R.P.O.A." some shit like that, kinda hard to read
that means: weapon africa mauser Oberndorf-am-Neckar(factory in oberndorf by the neckar river) i have no idea what R.P.O.A means is it this gun? if it is, it might be worth more than the 98 or 98K since its more rare if it is a 98: id keep it, its a piece of history
bro its a handgun not a rifle that looks just like it but it's supposed to be a .32, the fucking thing's like a foot long
holy shit I want to shoot stuff! that looks cool as hell. keep it unless you get really poor. or more poor than you are now.
ahh i see i kinda decived myself, there was a time all bolt-action rifle were refered to as "mauser" you know, kinda how brits call all vacuum cleaners "hoover" your friend got himself a real beauty, the mauser "broomhandle" as far as a price goes why dont you try ebay? there are also some sites that only deal with firearms like this one: good luck