Rock the vote, or at least smoke the vote rock.

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Fugly, Nov 1, 2004.


Who's it going to be?

  1. Bush

    0 vote(s)
  2. Kerry

    0 vote(s)
  3. Nader

    0 vote(s)
  4. I'd rather write one in.

    0 vote(s)
  1. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    I know everyone that lives here in the U.S. is going to vote tomorrow. I mean, what kind of an idiot wouldn't? So my question is, who are you going to vote for? If you're not in the U.S., who WOULD you vote for and why?

    I'm really curious to know what people in other countries think of our debacle of a political process. You can bet your asses it's going to get weird after tomorrow. I don't think we're going to know who the next President is until some time in January.
  2. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    You can bet your ass I'm going to vote (I just signed on here to post pretty much the same thing but the main man beat me too it). More people than ever have signed up to vote, now we can only pray that they use their right and do just that. Could be record setting year. I myself live in D.C. and the political climate here is HOT. I'm more than a little bit worried that a riot will break out of that fucker Bush wins. Though apperantly my Green Bay Packers have already decided that Kerry has won. Please people go out on vote, for christ sakes you can even get out of an hour or two of work to do it. This farce of an admin. has making a fool out of 'Merica for far too long. And as far as I'm concerned I want Bush and his fucking cronies the fuck outta my country. We have the sons and daughters of America dying for false reasons, dying for fucking oil and a rich mans wallet. We have alienated over half the world. (Let's not forget Poland)You want to stop a terrorist then go vote for Kerry and get the terrorist out of office. Please please please use your right as a citizen of this country and vote. Drag a drunk/high/stupid non-voteing friend with you and make him/her vote. This is rapidly becoming an Orwellian nightmare. Bush and Co. bring 'Doublespeak' to a new level. Fuck the 'Clear Skies Initiative', fuck a 600 dollar check, fuck peace thru bombs, fuck cutting down forests to stop forest fires, fuck insane tax cuts for the rich, fuck them spending OUR medicare (none of us are getting any younger) and FUCK BUSH. No Bush isn't the source of all our problems but his track record inidcates that he will continue to do insane fucked up shit and getting voted back into office is only going to make him and co. feel more secure at how stupid and easily manipulated Americans are, think the last 4 years was bad...I just hope it dosn't come to another four years. GO VOTE!!!!
  3. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    The US has been pretty self-suficient historically, and has rarely had to go to war to get what it needs so all of a sudden people are up in arms about the war for oil. Frankly, I say kill 'em all. If we got the $$, and we got the bombs, then let's get the oil too. But I hate Bush too. And, I live in Funkytown, FL where Jeb Bush has managed to fuck up our state. Not once, but twice he has interfered to keep two different vegetative women alive against the family's wishes. Not to mention the anti-abortion stance he and his brother have. And George is a fucking moron. I don't like Kerry either, but I don't want to give away my vote by voting for Nader. So I will be voting for Kerry. The majority of new registered voters in FL are Democrats. And already, they are having problems with the absentee ballots and I heard something on the news about Republican lawyers showing up at the polls to challenge the validity of Democratic registrations. Is that even fucking legal? I have my voter registration card and my license, if someone tries to challenge mine I will have to rip their balls off. It's going to be fun voting in FL at noon when I get out of the hospital tomorrow.

    As far as other countries are concerned, for the most part they think ALL us US citizens are pro-Bush since he is the president. I never voted for Bush, I never would, and I may get a vote tomorrow but I don't have any control over what the gov't does here. I could devote my life to politics I suppose, but I have other things to do with my time. Like work and pay my fucking taxes.
  4. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

  5. smiles

    smiles New Member


    rat i refuse to believe that you're that stupid... what kind of attitude is that... you just supported every war atrocity ever committed, you just said what saddam did to kuwait is ok, what bin ladin did to US is ok, what happens every day in Africa or any other war torn shit stain on the face of the earth is A OK with rat because hey... one side has the bombs and guns so why shouldn't they take every measly cent from everyone else, not like they can do anything about it... well guess what THEY CAN DO SHIT ABOUT IT, and the firmer the hold america has on the world the more desperate people get, I’m in no way advocating suicide bombers but what the fuck do u think that is? desperation, it's not for allah it's a bunch of desperate individuals who have nothing to live for but to die satisfied that american blood will stain the ground that night
  6. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    so it wasn't because they wanted what we have, it was just to destroy us. I am not anti-war. Shit, if you want something then fight for it. Dont be mad at the US because we win more often. The arabs dont want to make a deal with us or play fair, so fuck 'em. I am not talking about any other country or any other wars. Besides, who gives a fuck really? I can't change a fuckin thing.
  7. smiles

    smiles New Member


    the hatred for america runs so deep in some places that you can scarcely fathom it and it's very nice of you to sit in a chair and type this while you have the most sophisticated killing machines doing your dirty work across the seas just so u can spare the extra 5cents at the pump for your off road 4x4, I’m going overboard here clearly but for you to say "the arabs don't play fair so fuck them" is one of the most hypocritical statements i've heard u make yet, since when does america play fair? honestly think historically, fuck that think recently, from downplaying the shit going on in russia with the checnyans and labeling them "hostage takers" instead of terrorists to invading a sovereign nation to do what? get weapons of mass destruction- none were found. Remove a tyrant- there's more warlords and tyrants in africa committing genocide as we speak, or perhaps go after that rich gooey opaque liquid that powers our seated lawn mowers? and i realize that when rooted in the masses it's next to impossible to make a difference, nothing wrong in wanting to spend more time fucking and boozing then providing for the needy or campaigning for some Caucasian shithead but don’t u at least want to know where those taxes u pay go? if your cash is paying for a "fuck saddam" daisy cutter that'll end up shredding Mohammad Ahmed in his sleep or some other poor fuck or is it going to actualy benefit you, or the community you live in, in some way. shit that's why i refuse to move to America at least in canada i know my overtaxed cheque is going someplace it's needed
  8. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    well lets see if the "Redskin Rule' applies again this year if it does,goodbye Bush.
  9. whipone

    whipone New Member

    Favre for prez yo. Bush needs to get back to running companies into the ground instead of nations. Oh yeah, FUCK TEXAS.
  10. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    its alot more than 5 cents more per gallon. way to oversimplify. i dont pay taxes- they are taken from me. To give everybody the same benefits, and same access to health care- like socialized medicine that is working sooo well for Canada; would make us commies or socialists. Funny that your politicians come here for doctor visits because they cant fucking get in up there. What do you think I am doing by nursing? It's one small way to benefit the needy and my community. One small drop in the bucket along with my tiny little vote for someone I hate just a little bit less than the other guy. Oh yeah, and fuck Africa too. The only thing they ever contributed to us were slaves and AIDS, and slavery was abolished long ago. My government is not necessaily the best, but its one I used to and I able to live a pretty decent life. Immigrants-WHAT? Yeah, our WHOLE country is made up of people DYING to live here. Except for the Indians who we killed most of then gave casino's. See? They should have fought better. Survival of the fittest and all that. Way to go Cananduh and Mexico for letting every dirty fucker in.
  11. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    I serioulsy hope that all of you fuckers that reside here in the USA went and voted today, with the exception of the few that can't like our resident felon Deebo and probably Dwaine.
  12. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    yup,not eligible to vote till september of next year. :?
  13. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Deebo, as far as you can tell what way are Flordias voters leaning??
  14. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    What are you saying, that you're a felon or that you're not 18 years old yet? I didn't think that you were ever allowed to vote again once you were convicted of a felony. I don't think you're supposed to own firearms either but that hasn't stopped Dwaine.

    What ever happened to Nursey and Pimpdaddy and all those others in the UK and Scotland? I'd like to hear what they think too. Lomo has probably got a good take on it too.
  15. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Can a felon be expunged??
  16. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    whoever wins..... everybody loses....
  17. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Getting Bush out is top priority, end of story. Things can only go up from here.
  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    In my opinion, the same powers that decided who won the last election will decide who wins this year.

  19. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    holy shit. that has to be a record for the world's shortest post Nursey has ever made regarding politics.
  20. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    This also has to be a record for the most replies to ANY post before someone started calling someone else a douche-bag or describing how they's like to anally rape them.

    Thanks for staying on the topic. This is actually very interesting.

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