Wow, that sure was a help, why the hell did you even post if you didn't know where she is. I dont give a rats ass about your ignorance about the subject, I only care about the facts.
back in July a storm fucked her house up and cut her electrity and fuct her pc too. and thats all i know..
someone told me to come say hello... um ... hello I just dont go online much anymore, but when I am online you can catch me on yahoo SN icenhour77 thanks for asking and thinking of me... I feel loved now this whole site has changed, I dont know any of the new people, dont care to ,as for the old members.... I forgot who I liked and disliked... who I have talked to, who I have fucked... all these stupid screen names start looking the same. I remember that I .... liked Rat, UT, UE, and a couple of others... the punk guy who still calls me drunk trying to have "friendly phone sex".. I forgot his SN oh yeah ... I know I owe Doowayne like 7 BJs, and 4 handjobs and that Jeff pissed me off somehow... cant remember how/when... fuck maybe I dreamed it everything else is a blur... how long have been gone? can you look that up?
someone told me to come say hello... um ... hello I just dont go online much anymore, but when I am online you can catch me on yahoo SN icenhour77 thanks for asking and thinking of me... I feel loved now this whole site has changed, I dont know any of the new people, dont care to ,as for the old members.... I forgot who I liked and disliked... who I have talked to, who I have fucked... all these stupid screen names start looking the same. I remember that I .... liked Rat, UT, UE, and a couple of others... the punk guy who still calls me drunk trying to have "friendly phone sex".. I forgot his SN oh yeah ... I know I owe Doowayne like 7 BJs, and 4 handjobs and that Jeff pissed me off somehow... cant remember how/when... fuck maybe I dreamed it everything else is a blur... how long have been gone? can you look that up?
right on Icenhour. glad you are still stalking around and you are okay. your journal entries were funny as fuck; especially when you thought you had worms. :shock: cheers, Ratty