Crazy murderer? How many times has the bitch been arrested? Sued? Overdosed? Had plastic surgery? She lost custody of her daughter. How hard is it to do that? I think she's a killer and a cunt. Gawd, she's so fucking ugly.
that bitch is sooo goddamned ugly,I wont hit a female but I would LOVE to beat the fuck out of her with a fan belt and Im passed 1000 posts,fuck most of you
There. I'm one of three to vote in the poll. . . I hate her because I love Nirvana, and would like to hear all the other unreleased stuff she's been guarding with her anger.
Kurt and Cuntney were both drugged out of their fucking minds and figure if you love Kurt so much and he thought she was special enough to marry and not kill, then she must not be so bad. in his book anyway.
The only thing I think she had to do with it was the fact that she is so goddamn ugly. He came down after a high saw her ugly ass lieing there, realized he had a kid with her. He then figured no matter what he did that bitch would haunt him till the day he died. The only logical thing to do was push that day up a few years. So now everytime I hear the famous words" No, I dont have a gun." I laugh really hard.
Well, I think she is a crazy star crazed bitch. Did you know that there were supposedly NO fingerprints on the shotgun or the pen that wrote the alleged suicide note? And the note isn't about suicide. It's about quitting the music industry. I was big on reading about his death last night. Do I think he was suicidal? Maybe. People say that he was acting really happy before he died. Most people do, right before they off themself. But he was supposedly leaving that crazy bitch too, so maybe he felt liberated? He was also supposedly clean the days prior to his death. Who knows? But I think they should at least reopen the fucking case. It's obvious Cuntney is capable of just about anything.
Barfy read the books (2 of em) written by Max Wallace and Ian Halperin, the newest one is called "Love and Death" and i think the first one is called who killed kurt or something lots of interesting facts brought up in that, and the BBC documentary Kurt and Courtney is also good....
Since I turned, 27, I have been thinking about him a lot for some reason. 'Cause he was my age when he died, I guess. But I just have this feeling in me that makes me want to vomit, wondering what really happened. I think his death was brushed aside. You should always suspect the wife... especially one with a record like Courtney. She's an overbearing, media-whoring, low-talent bitch. I have to admit, that I like some of her music.... "Pretty on the inside" was a good album, espcially the song, "Garbage Man". I still love it, but ANYWAY I think something is odd about the whole thing. And if I'm wrong, I feel really bad for accusing someone of murder. :?
me..... having no prior knowledge on the subject as well as my refusal to read any of the facts listed in the thread has led to my all too American position, for which i will fight for regardless of what irrefutable proof comes out simply not to look stupid