i think rez wants you dee. she cant stand the fact that youre not drooling all over her yet. just play along, surely shell send you some good boob shots, i hear rumors....
I'd put good hard earned money (you got any of that yet Jen?) on the one single fact that hers would be worth seeing. Hell, IMC's tits are preferable to yours. I'd enjoy cumming oer his angry looking face. I just couldn't look at yours!
Riez u did say that you used to post under a different name, did u ever say what it was.Dont come on much and miss threads.
I think Nursey, IMC and a few others have worked it out. Was a few years ago. And only for about 6 months.
Why are you acting all dark and mysterious about it? Just say who you were, so the rest of us used to be lurkers can figure it out.
she's probably lying to appear like she's cool and been impregnated into the scrolls. hows your lil' love muffin anyhow UT?