i know i know. its been a while. as im sure youre all dying for updates... nah forget it. just checking in with the deebo ...
well im in harlingen tx right now- about 30 mins from south padre my babys daddy broke the news that he does not want to be a part of her life so i started popping pills like crazy and i had to get away to clean up and calm down. anything exciting happen in my absence?
Yeah we all drew straws as to our position in the anal gang bang world record queue for ur ass. Oh wait, that was someone else........
BTW, when are you releasing the video? Maybe you can release it on offer with a free copy of Skitzo's book "101 Quiet yet pleasurable self masterbation techniques for use while stalking from a bush".
you got locked up? damnit dee. what happened? i was stealing pills from my bitch ass mother- vikodin, methadone, whatever. it was getting bad ... couldnt function without them.... my detox is sucking ass but needs to happen i suppose.... i just need to smoke more pot.
Damn u dont look good, get a full frontal nude so we can decide for sure. Shouldn't be an issue, u obviously ain't embarrased about stripping off, lets face it, you did it quick enough so some dirty mexican fuck could nut in that bucket you fondly refer to as a vagina, that led 9 months later to yet another bastard child being spawned that society has to feed cos the parents can't parent. And what prey will that cancerous wart of a child grow up to be? Another fuckwit that needs to get off then let society take care of the consequences for the next 20 years (possibly longer thanks to incarciration etc). So cmon, give us all a laugh, get thos saggy ass potato sacks you call tits out, take a pic should the lense not shatter, and then post the fruits of your work (don't be afraid, its not real work, where you actually contribute to the world) here for us all the 'appreciate'. In the mean time i will post you a coat hanger on the off chance the whole sorry episode starts to relive itself.
Jen, try hosting your picture on somewhere besides angelfire. Don't make me copy and paste the image location into another browser again. That's just like ... to much work. Try imageshack.us or photobucket.com.
i work my ass off to take care of my child so fuck you. and havent we all seen my boobs? they were in my first post cause i am that cool.
A close up of your chubby sweaty chest with you grabbing at your breasts like a hungry tramp would at a burger hardly qualifies. Well ur ass probably looks like its hanging off if the rest of you is anything to go by.