my fucking girlfriend is being such a fucking pissoff its unbelievable, my fucking god this bitch has to stop spraying her chronic with windex or some shit cus she is in-fucking-sane, can some please tell me if this makes sense: she tells me she didn’t go home this weekend yet I get drunk with my boys and we see her friends car parked in her house and some guy smoking in her front yard, so the next day I ask did u go home this weekend she’s like no.... so I inquire as to why her friends car was parked there she’s like “we just saw a movie, so I say "just you two girls" she's like yeah, so once again I purpose that she's being less than truthful to which she replies "I was only home for a few hours so technically I wasn’t there" :shock: AMAZING seven months of going out and she pulls some bullshit like that fuck it man I’m too young for this shit Mase said that shit the best
dude, do her like I did with an ex of mine, fuck her, and slip out and into her asshole, then don't stop until you nut. When done, kick her off the bed, and say "All fucking dogs, sleep on the floor"
man i was real heated when i wrote that, just happened to be on the forums when the phone call occurred and it just seemed natural to get it all out here, i don't really care now just need a few more nights of inebriated debauchery and i'll be as good as new, on another note, as lovely as your idea sounds IMC I’d rather not get my shit pushed in for 6 years in Kingston for forceful sodomy, I don’t care how hard I bust
yo smiles you shouldve stepped up to the fucker smokin the cigarette in the front yard,after you were done kicking his shouldve run inside and set shit straight
I'd of just fucked every female member of her family for an hour or so each and when she kicks of say, fuck it, only a couple of hours, that don't count.
honestly man i wanted to see if she'd lie about it, finding her friend with an extendo baton imbedded between his ribs would have triggered even her spidey-sense
One thing i cant abide is bitches that cheat and make the rest of us look bad. Slit her throat, smiles.
nothing can piss you off like family or a girl friend, i guess it was my bad for letting her in you know, I knew it was going to end up like this man, going to different schools and shit, thought i could trust her and shit too, girl was sexy as a motherfucker man, like to a ridiculous degree, I really didn’t give a shit about that though, she was smart too, it's always too good to be true, live and learn though right… I just really need to get drunk