I hope nobody pisses in your beer, robs your house, anally rapes you or calls you "Daddy". Love XOXOX Ratty Heres a little something I found in the archives. I believe it is a Nursey Original. awwww! aint he cute as a baby?
Yea, Happy B-Day you sloppy twat... But I don't give a fuck if it's baby jesusususus's B-Day, stay the fuck outta our basement you fuck. P.S. I'd watch out, I saw Mike WIlliams suiting up mumbling something about giving you a B-day present you would'nt ever forget.
Fugly, sing "Happy birthday Mr. President" for Dwaine. Put on the right attire too. And pics. We need lots of pics.
thanks everyone... and tell mIke I sleep with one eye open, and keep a pump action 12 guage inbetween my matress and boxspring
Happy Birthday IMC I'm wondering what the hell you do to celebrate your Birthdays? Most people take copious amounts of drink & drugs, but as that's an everyday activity for you I'm curious as to what you get up to?
Well kinda funny story, Did you know that you cab fuck a $200 hooker with a lamp, them smach it over her face?
I miss nursey alot, thats one of my favorites.... For my birthday, she promised to beat Tori Anus until she carefully shaved my pubic region, then wash my balls with a warm wet rag, until my balls are smooth like silk. PLEASE NURSEY!!!! COME BACK!!!!!
Sorry, but since i became a miserable boring bitch and lost the will to administer daily doses of shock and awe therapy to Tori, the repulsive state of ecstatic, gurgling dormancy she has been enjoying as a result has allowed her filthy, huge reproductive organ to appear to have fused with the couch in the other room, and the ammonic vapours that have consequently started filling the house make it difficult to breathe or keep my eyes open long enough to type posts unless i wear a pair of swimming goggles and my arab headscarf P.L.O style. Vive la Resistance! Sorry about the birthday ballwash, but Archie is eagerly messaging me to tell you that he would be delighted if you would instead allow him to perform his speciality, a 'full Indian sacral chakra dilation and Kundalini rub' which will apparently have you convulsing in 'blissful hare-rami' under Archie's capable, watchful gaze. PM me if you are interested and i could have Archie shipped and delivered to your doorstep in about a week, and i could chuck in a freshly soiled pair of panties from me. Happy Birthday Dwainey, love Nursey x
awww... little archie, how is he anyway? how is his professional wresltling carrer going? Thank you Nursey, for all the love