remember the AH64 gunning down ragheads footage? here's the Improved version....
Ah, the Apache a very effective killing machine. Nice how we named it after one of our many Native Drunks. See we care about the Red man's plight. I hear they shoot cans of gold spray paint at you, in hopes you will huff yourself to death. Just like the heli's namesake no less.
Clear as a bell, Bob. I quit smoking weed 2 weeks ago. I would think my brain would function better. I also quit smoking cigs too. It fucking sucks though because I do crave the cigs... dunno... can't smoke one without the other, so I quit them both.
gotta love the aiming system they got on that thing. eye traking system and head tracking so the gun points where you look. very nifty, i wish i had one mounted on my truck like so... every now and then ill see a pack of four apaches flying around 1000ish up. next time ill try to catch a photo of em.
My step-dad use to work for Teledyne Ryan, the Manufacter of almost all of the parts, making some fucking part can't remember what it was.
ANd Skitzo IS a great big dick who loves great big dick hence him scoping your house..... he wants to lick ur asshole! NYUM NYUM NYUM NYUM Lick that shit you ginger fuck