have both - retail i might point out, pick em up for £4.99 the pair now *mutters about paying £30 & £25 respectively in thier day* got warcraft 2 too... "ready to work" heh
Fuck holy fuck god damn shit licking brilliance........ i loved that game...... still do, those where the days...... *dusts of the old box and wonders if his CD key is anywhere to be found* Lets have a FFA Fugly match? Just no fucking BGH$$$$$$$$$ shit. Oh wow, i think i just came in my pants.........
dont even fuck with me and that game man 35:1 ratio i had a few years back..... all off of bizz bgh and lt..... god i wish i still had a cd key
i play every now and then, i join the 1v1 noobs and drop a couple zerlings and hydras in their base, never know what hit em.
i am NEEDING..... that game consumed a good 4 years of my life... pity... it could have been spent in so many better ways... like drunkenness for instance
yea!! lets play i hadnt played in a couple years but since moving back in with my mom i get on every night. you know theres a friends list now like a buddly lift thing that tells you whose online and stuff we could start a fugly clan!!!!! my name is jennismadd type /f a jennismadd and ill be there we should set up a time and date to play to view friends list type /f l yea oh yea im excited im gonna kick all your asses!
so never then? im all about the cannons and the carriers- hehheehehehehehehe. because i have mad skillz!
Smiles - If you got Broodwar i can provide you the all important CD Key, any CD key gen for the starcraft disc will work as it works on the broodwar one i believe. You'll need patch 1.10 (a pathetic 3MB). Feel free to PM me and i can set you up with needed info. Jen - Which gateway. Man i wish i was a hydra.....
why play against 2 or 4 ppl when you can play against 1-7 other ppl. its cheap and you can run it on almost any computer. say any one play Diablo 2?
Diablo 2 expansion Account name Schmedly_O, someone give me a starcraft keycode , i have the game but not the case .....
schmed which gateway? am on west ... accnt ccsmilescc.... strangely go to channels pogi or toyland...... u wont meet better ppl on... that is if those channels r still up... if they to try tennis or lao