I ma having a party In Winston Salem, a MTG tourney during the moprning and day, then a keg party that night. then my fiancee is coming down, hooking up with this lette I have had a crush on for quite sometime, to make "DWAINE SAMMICHES!!!!" Man-oman about time I had a good barfday...
If "Dwaine SAmmiches" are anything like the sammy in the fridge at the shop you can count me the fuck out. Or the shitty sammiches you try bringing me and Harlen in the Cellar, next time you step in front of the TV while we are watching Ghost Dad you arnt gonna have anymore Bdays you fucker.
Sept 9th No the fridge sammich is something special I am saving for you schmed. Maybe we can have a contest "Eat the shop sammich, get a free fugly t-shirt".. Heh I'd pay $20 to see that. What is it about you two and that fucking movie, you asswipes watch it like 4 taimes a day, what about I get a copy of Leonard part 6?
Butt, but biut.... I act like Im 14... dosent that count for anything? ... I need to set a date down for my marrage, and get yuo and Nursey over here.... we are gonna have a service in vegas... lots of Hedoism
Ohhh you wacky terrorist!!! we are havung a cerimony with Elvis, and fetishwear preferred, then a party suite at a local casino, all kindsa boose, drugs, ect.. then we all strip naked and take over the casino
Leonard part six is cool, but it dosnt hold a candle to Ghost Dad. Besides that ,Harlan lost his helmet, and if Ghost Dad isnt on when he wants to see it he punches his head really hard.
Ulf, I say we crash that fucking party. Here is the plan, we show up about 45 minutes late (drunk of course), that way we know everyone will already be there. Then we throw all the food all over the floor, hold down Dwaine, smear his face with Ho-Hos and have Harlan lick it off. Then run out the door and set fire to the place.
If I wasn't so sure that Dwaine would hunt us both down and kill both of us, then I would think it would be a great idea. You know what? Let's talk Mike Williams and Jesse into doing it, so our hands are clean. (I'm personally still for the idea of showing up drunk, though..).