i had a weird dream you were a pirate but you had two bad-ass springy things for legs and you made all your scurvy mistresses wear coconut shell bikini tops while sucking down rum runners. instead of a parrot Schmed kept trying to leap up onto your shoulder singing something about being a spider dude. Canine kept me shackled and shouted insults at me in some foreign tongue, and Pimp had these giant purple hair extensions with pink and red feathers and he wouldn't stop dancing. Nursey couldn't be found but there was a huge portrait of her on the wall with lipstick kisses all over it. UT was really, really obese and hanging around the galley with really dirty bare feet. i remember thinking how unhygienic it was because she was rolling these rum soaked dough balls around inbetween her fingers and feeding them to some slimey slug-like creature slithering around on the floor. they were really fucking tasty though and Evil Sarah kept squirreling them away in a dirty little black sack while snickering. UE sat quietly in the corner wearing a priests collar and didnt do much but drink green liquor and belch once in a while. i was sort of wondering how he got on the ship. i think i am going to have to make some of those doughy rum treat thingys and send them to you. want some? and yes, Schmed, i will send you some too if you're good and quit wanking to my ass picture.
GIMME Oi Rowey, shut your ya jizzy drizzled bitch-chin...the spicey cum truffles are all meihhhhn! :x
Frenchie wont come on my cookies right now. he's busy making crepes for tourists. i was gonna use pirate rum and fresh coco-nut from the gangsta's down the street instead. mmmmm! wholesome!
as sick as that is, i am turned on by it. wank away! xxx PS: i will send ya something else instead mmmkay?
though im not included in your pirate dream i would like to aquire some of your rum ball treat thingys. if you are serious about wasting your time pm me and ill send you my address
it may also be wise to mention my address has changed from the one in my profile... i live in kansas now
Hey Pimp, you should post pics of yourself in the "Post Your Fugly Pictures" forum. :lol: Hey, you had to know SOMEONE was going to say it..... :wink: