Football-eyed Donkey-lipped Budda-Bellied Retard

Discussion in 'Random Media' started by KaptainSkitzo, Jun 30, 2004.

  1. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Tell me if you can find a better name for this girl. Oh, and this is the SAME retard I spoke of in another thread.

    Oh, there's a story that goes with these two pics.....I'll post it later...
  2. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    i have to hear that story,im guessing it has something to do with the short bus leaving her behind
  3. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    thats the ugliest hooker I ever saw....

    and trust me, I have seen some ugly hookers
  4. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    959's the story, along with another hilarious anecdote. A week or so ago, I took my webcam to work(it takes stills away from the computer....not the greatest pics, but they work), and caught this wonderful shot:

    I know it's not a great shot, but the person sitting on the bench there, is the "Football"...the same one in the other pics. Of course, we were SUPPOSED to be working...not just sitting around.
    Now, the next day, I walked into work with the above picture, resized(smaller, to look better), and printed out several copies to hand out. I used the "grapevine" at work, to send out a warning to this crew, that if this kind of lazy shit continued, that I would e-mail this picture, along with others I had taken, to the President of the company(who is a real hard-ass about slackers, and had witnessed a similar scene all spring). This dimwitted retard ALMOST went to our supervisor about the complain about it...Anyway, later that day, as we were all leaving work...I snapped the two pictures in the original post. She actually POSED for those two pictures, KNOWING that I had the camera, and having already seen the results...(shows how MUCH of a retard she is...)

    (or does it....)

    A few days earlier(this is the humourous anecdote I was refering too....) I walked into the break room, she was in there...I went in to get a soda, she was...and I swear this is the truth...standing at the sink, with an ice-cube tray in her hands...running it under water, and then shaking it up and down to try and get the ice out of it. No twisting to break them loose, no turning it upside down and beating it on the counter...just running it under water, and shaking it up and down...water flew EVERYWHERE...but no ice was forthcoming. I shook my head and walked out of the breakroom. She must have finally gotten some out, because about 10 minutes later, she came strolling back into the potting shed(where we put 4" pots into trays, then fill them with dirt...) with some ice in her jug...along with some sort of liquid I don't even want to know what it was, or where it came from.

    I'd be willing to bet even HARLAN knows how to use an ice-cube tray.
  5. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    What do you grow, may I ask? Is that weed?
  6. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Man he can't even wipe his ass properly...
  7. Ulfur Engil

    Ulfur Engil New Member

    Hell, he doesn't even know his ass from his mouth sometimes. Remember when he tried sticking a half rack of ribs up his cornhole?
  8. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    no you stupid whore noone is gonna get caught like that bitch
  9. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    I get the feeling Dweebo is slightly obessed with me. Always has to follow up on my posts, and now has even resorted to sending me PM.
  10. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    What an odious brown nosing cunt you are. Is your life so empty you're prepared to ruin other peoples for your own gratification?

    Busybody twats like you give humanity a bad name.
  11. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    That was fucking beautiful!
  12. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    You have mentored me well Nursey-san.
  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Wax on...wax off...wax on...wax off...
  14. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    now show me paint the fence.......
  15. Dubya 2.0

    Dubya 2.0 New Member

    I'm busy trimming my bonsai...
  16. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    No, if I was a "brown nosing cunt", as you put it...I would have just gone ahead and sent the pics to the president of the company. I just can't stand lazy motherfuckers sitting around doing nothing, complaining about how hard they are worked(when they do as little as possible), while the rest of us are busting our asses to do our job right. Also, they bitch, whine and cry about having to stay late(when we do), when if they'd actually DO their job in the first place, we wouldn't be running late. Oh, and I don't consider it "ruining" someone else's life...just leveling the playing field. Besides, how would YOU feel if someone else was fucking off, and you had to take up the slack? Probably wouldn't like it none too much. Then again, you're probably one of the slackers.

    I fucking wish! Although, we do have a few plants(both annuals and perennials) that have similar leaf structures. Shame they don't show up on the infra-reds like weed.
  17. chakaflange

    chakaflange New Member

    You work with plants? I thought my job was crap!
  18. Deebo57

    Deebo57 New Member

    keep dreaming,nigger :roll:
  19. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Why? So the cops can bust you?
  20. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    So you are just a wanna-be brown nosing ass sniffer then. Fucking poser.

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