Goatse Guy's Face *may spoil goatse for you*

Discussion in 'Random Media' started by 1337, Jun 4, 2004.

  1. 1337

    1337 New Member


  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Looks like this crackhead I used to buy stolen stuff from all the time... Last time I saw him he tried to sell me a broken tape deck, I told him I don't een own any cassettes, then he pulled a swiss army knife on me, and demanded money. Needles tosay, the 10 minute pistol whipping he got from me, he hasent been seen scince
  3. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Only 10 minutes? Musta been in a really generous mood that day.
  4. smiles

    smiles New Member

    10 minutes? you sure you're not pulling a dweebo on us here..... one hard enough can be sufficient to cause a skullfracture but 10 minutes, your hand must have been sore enough too...
  5. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Retard...you *NEVER* let anyone off with only *ONE* shot...torture the motherfucker!!!! Make it last!!! Trust me, you get WAY more satisfaction.
  6. The end to your misery

    The end to your misery New Member

    10 minute pistol whoopin sounds pretty standard to me but it should be followed up with pouring rubbing alcohol(or pepper spray)into the wounds :twisted:
  7. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Christ...another fucking pussy...

    After the beating in which multiple cuts are involved, you do NOT pour rubbing alcohol into the wounds.

    First: Once wounds are established, you further agrivate them by pulling them open, preferably with a dull instrument. Once you can clearly see bone, pull out your power drill and have some fun putting small holes into the bone, straight through to the marrow. Once this is done, you apply a hefty amount of sugar. This attracts ants and flies. Allow the victim to suffer in this way for about two (2) hours.

    After the two (2) hour period, in which you should talk to the victim often, giving them a "play by play" of what is happening to them, you then flush out the wounds with amonia-water. Once cleansed, you may then begin applying a liberal amount of salt mixed with peroxide into the wounds. Use a turkey baster to apply, and be rather slow about it. Otherwise you risk sending your victim into shock...in which case you will lose out on lots of entertainment.

    Thirdly: Attach a set of jumper cables to, first the nipples, then the genitals of your victim. Make sure you have an "Alaska Approved Winter Battery" in your vehicle. If you want some extra fun involved, inset a potatoe into your victims rectum before cranking. If you are the sporty type, place a target about 10 feet away, but properly alligned to your victims asshole...see if you can hit the bullseye when you crank.

    Lastly:If you really want to send this fucker a message, by all means, keep him/her alive. Otherwise, you have a body to dispose of, and those things tend to turn up at the worst possible times.
  8. The end to your misery

    The end to your misery New Member

    damn ...can we say anger management?
  9. smiles

    smiles New Member

    making racist jokes and talking about killing jews and blacks e.t.c.... is all fine and dandy but when its time to actualy do somethign about it all you shit-talkers do is move closer to a police station
  10. The end to your misery

    The end to your misery New Member

    aww....fuck the cops they couldnt figure anything out if they wanted to
  11. smiles

    smiles New Member

    my god deebo did u like give this ip to your ENTIRE family?
  12. The end to your misery

    The end to your misery New Member

    actually deebo bought a new computer gave me this hunk of shit so now its in my room....he failed 2 erase everything so i got it chock full of porn and this page was bookmarked on his browser
  13. 1337

    1337 New Member

    holy shit this post turned into some sucking up to imc bullshit
  14. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Is that Deebo's little brother??
  15. smiles

    smiles New Member

    wow .... how'd i know

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