Shrek 2

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Lomotil, May 14, 2004.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    ... Just saw it yesterday, and I have to say - this movei is (if not as good as), BETTER than the first.

    I somehow got invited to the 'press screening' of the flick yesterday, and met a few of our very own local 'celebrities'" - whoopie. :roll: At least it was quiet in the theater, and thankfully - not a single screaming little bastard to make noise during the show.

    It's rare that a movei surpasses the prequel, but I think that this movei is a serious contender. I laughed through most of the movei, especially during the 'catnip' scene...
  2. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg Guest

    The Godfather Part 2 was better than Part 1.
  3. Mouth_Cancer

    Mouth_Cancer New Member

    Hannibal was better than Silence of the Lambs
  4. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    y'think they purposefully made red dragon a pile of shit then?
  5. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    Was it fuck....Hannibal was a loadof wank and so was the book i didn't think red dragon was that bad though.
  6. Mouth_Cancer

    Mouth_Cancer New Member

    Hannibal told the story of why the fuck the first movie existed you cockless cunt. And dragon was a fuckin over casted waste of time, i got an idea...lets take all these fuckin popular actors and actresses and make a fuckin prequel to a movie that provided not jack shit anyway. Fuck that
  7. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    dont talk out your big fucking fat arse you stupid twat,silence of the lambs was a classic film antony hopkins and jodie foster where amazing they played there roles so well it was scary,hannibal and the red dragon where a load of wank compared so shut the fuck up and stop making a prick of yourself.
  8. Mouth_Cancer

    Mouth_Cancer New Member

    sorry, but i have to disagree with you once more dick bandit. For one, jodie foster couldnt act her way out of the fucking special olympics. who the fuck writes a brilliant plot and gives it to some cunt who fucking adds the letter "S" to almost every fucking word imaginable. I mean come on, fucking kathy bates could have played a better role, and secondly....hannibal was more than a sequel, it was a conclusion, and you said yourself that you liked red dragon...then bashed it....pull your dick out of your sister and stop trying to be a fucking hardass you imbred waste of orgasm.
  9. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Hmmm... Maybe I should've waited a week or two before posting this... :?
  10. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    i didn't particularly care hor hannibal... though admittedly i fell asleep both times i tried to watch it...

    the book was better... and the film wasn't faithful to the book... which was written at the behest of the studio bosses who wanted to make a sequel, and was written by harris purposefully to make it difficult for the studio to make the film they wanted (lecter has plastic surgery, so they couldn't cast hopkins, starling remains the same even though foster had sa id she wasn't up for a sequel, even less so when she saw her character would run off with the serial killer) but they made the film they wanted anyway....

    did i mention i found it so boring i fell asleep both times i tried to watch it?
  11. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Hannibal hands down just sucked a giant moose cock, that movie was fucking pitiful, sorry its just a fact, that movie was a fucking train wreck.. the only thing that could of made that movie better is if i would of brought my game boy with me when i saw it.
  12. tommy710

    tommy710 Active Member

    Yeh they always give out oscars to shit actresses so that must make you right and everyone else in the world wrong i enjoyed red dragon it just wasnt a patch on silence of the lambs dickface.
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Silence of the Lambs was way better than Hannibal. I mean, "It puts the lotion on it's skin or else it gets the hose again... Put the fucking lotion in the basket!" is uh... "killer".

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