aww how cute. so what have you named them and what was their birth wieght. oh andwhat do you think their death rate will be?
Well, the population has been thinned down to, well, zero on the 211s - but I'm pleased to announce that no bunnies have been harmed... yet! IMC - we've got to find an easier way to keep you stocked with SRs... Shipping's bound to be a bitch on that... :?
Heh... I thought about that right after I had the idea for the thread, too... :grin: I do have a pic of one of the kittens, the one I stole from Momma to give to this chick at work, just haven't uploaded it yet.
I can get all three sizes here. We really should try to arrange to bring as many of these as possible whenever the giant meet-up occurs.
damn.! not 2 many ppl kno bout them if u have the balls 2 drink 1 it'll get u as ripped as a few heinekens