Ball eating Dogs

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by ratatouille, Apr 23, 2004.

  1. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    Dog feels below par after eating 28 golf balls

    Reuters — April 23, 2004

    LONDON —Vets cut open a German Shepherd dog to find she had scoffed no fewer than 28 golf balls.

    Eighteen-month old Libby had been coughing blood after weeks of fetching golf balls at the northern England course where owner Mike Wardrop works as a bar manager.

    Wardrop told Reuters on Friday he hadn't realized the dog had a secret appetite for the dimpled balls she found at Didsbury Golf Club in Manchester.

    "When I take her for a walk every day she is prone to finding golf balls," Wardrop said. "She can fit five in her mouth."

    Libby is now recovering from the operation to remove the balls, with 30 stitches across her belly.

    "I've had to buy her two footballs," said Wardrop. "She can't swallow them."
  2. FredVegas2

    FredVegas2 New Member

    all dogs are ball sniffers...
  3. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    i just hate it when they come sniffing around my balls. :evil: :roll:
  4. FredVegas2

    FredVegas2 New Member

    I didn't know you played golf
  5. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

  6. FredVegas2

    FredVegas2 New Member

    why not? I hear it's almost fun to play if you're drunk...

  7. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Bubba the Bull jumped out of his fence and landed with a snort.

    “Farmer Frank forgot to feed me again today,” he huffed. “I guess I’ll have to fend for myself again.”

    Bubba trotted over to Pudgy the Pig’s pen.

    “Mmmm!” mooed Bubba. “Look at all that yummy food!” Bubba was so hungry he jumped right into Pudgy’s pen and started to eat.

    “How dare you steal my food!” squealed Pudgy. “This is all mine and you can’t have any!” With that, Pudgy the Pig butted Bubba out of the pen.

    “How unfair!” said Bubba. “I haven’t eaten anything but grass for days, and that pig gets to eat like a hog!”

    Bubba came to Carla the Cat. She was drinking from a big pail of milk. “Give me some! I’m hungry!” he said to the cat. He tried to stick his head in the pail for a drink.

    “This is my milk!” hissed the cat. “I have babies to feed!”

    When Bubba tried to drink a little more, Carla scratched him on the nose.

    “Ow!” bellowed Bubba. “What a mean cat!”

    While Pudgy the Pig was busy rolling in the mud, Gretta the Goose tiptoed up to the pig pen and stole a cob of corn. As Gretta ran by, she bumped into Bubba and dropped the corn. Bubba tried to eat the corn, but Gretta bit him.

    “Thief! Thief!” she honked.

    “I want some corn!” Bubba insisted. “Give me some”

    Bubba and Gretta tugged back and forth on the ear of corn. She squawked and he mooed until Farmer Frank ran over to see what was the matter.

    “Oh no!” Farmer Frank said. “That bull escaped again. Why can’t he just be satisfied with grass like all the other cattle?”

    The farmer broke up the fight, and Gretta ran off with her prize.

    Farmer Frank shook his head. “Bubba,” he said, “I think it’s time you found a new home.”

    Farmer Frank took Bubba to the farm auction and sold him to Farmer Dan. When Bubba got to Farmer Dan’s farm, he was still very hungry. Farmer Dan closed the gate behind Bubba. Bubba started to eat the grass inside the pen, but then he saw something better.

    Three goats were eating from a tub of grain. Bubba ran to the grain and started to eat. “Mmmm! This tastes good! Bubba mooed.

    “It sure does,” the goats bleated. “Are you new around here?”

    Bubba stopped eating. “Aren’t you mad at me for eating your food?”

    “No,” replied Nellie the Goat. There’s plenty of food for everyone. Farmer Dan gives us all the food we want.”

    “Go ahead and eat,” answered Bobby the Goat. “It’s good to see another pair of horns around here. “

    “Eat all you want,” offered Natalie the Goat. “I used to live all alone. It’s great to have company.”

    Suddenly Bubba wasn’t hungry any more.

    At that very moment, Digger the Dog dashed over.

    “Who are you?” he barked. “How did you get in here?”

    Bubba turned to defend his food. He gave the dog a big push with his head. The dog fell down and rolled over twice before landing on his feet.

    Digger the Dog looked Bubba in the eye. “So, you want to play, do you?”

    Bubba got ready to fight.

    Digger the Dog bared his teeth and grabbed onto Bubba’s leg. Bubba was expecting to feel pain. But Digger’s teeth did not hurt. Was digger playing a game? Bubba wiggled his leg a little to check. The dog growled and shook his head, but he did not use his teeth. Then he let go.

    “Let’s go play in the field!” yipped Digger, jumping up and down. “I haven’t had a bull to play with since Fester the Bull retired last year.”

    “I’d love to go play in the field,” replied the bull. Then, in a way that only a bull can do, Bubba smiled. Looking at his new friend, the bull replied, “I wasn’t very hungry anyway.”

    The dog and the bull ran off into the field together. For the first time ever, Bubba knew where he belonged.
    :? :shock:
  8. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    ooh! i want a pair of those DWI glasses! i like bowling drunk better. and balling.

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