Computer related question

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nauseous, Apr 17, 2004.


Should I just electrocute myself instead?

  1. Yes. Videotape it as well.

    0 vote(s)
  2. No. Go eat a urinal mint instead.

    0 vote(s)
  1. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    What could be causing my sound recorder to make a buzzing sound during playback of things recorded with my microphone? I replaced the microphone, same problem. The sound recorder plays back non-microphone clips just fine. Something faulty with the jack in the back?
  2. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Try muting your wave output (and for that matter, any output coming from the computer) while recording...
  3. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I've done that before. :(
  4. Agamemnon

    Agamemnon New Member

    a bit obvious, but could it be the fan on your computer? other than that it sounds like digital clipping or somthing like that. try lowering the input (mic) volume when you record to about half. shit what mic is it your using?
    a specific PC one or a proper music one ( ie vocal) just pluged in? cos some PC mics pick up static and shit like a motherfucker. sorry if this has been no help what so ever
  5. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Try using a computer, and Operating system made in the 21st centry
  6. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    Barfy, what are you recording?
  7. Spooky Action

    Spooky Action New Member

    It could be your soundcard is to close to another card, try moving it to the furthest slot away so it's on it's own.
    Or your comp might not be earthed properly..
    ( Are you sure your putting it in the right hole? :wink: )
  8. FredVegas2

    FredVegas2 New Member

    this probly doesn't have anything to do with your problem but who knows. anyway, a few years ago I had a similar problem with my stereo. Every time I played some music, there was this persistent background hum. I was telling a friend of mine about it (he's a guitar tech and sound engineer) and he let me borrow this spray stuff that he uses on guitar knobs. Basically, it dissipates electrons that tend to collect on electric audio connections. It worked like a charm. I don't remember what the stuff was called and I ran out of the can he gave me years ago. Might be worth looking into, though.
  9. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I will try some of the above at a later time and I appreciate everyone's advice.

    If any of the above works, I will congratulate the person by starting a thread about them (Whoo hoo!)
  10. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    You were probably using a standard electrical cleaner sold in an aerosol can, it's expensive as hell, but works fucking great. You can use it to clean 'flux' off of computer boards when you do a lot of soldering, and a little tip - buy "TV Tuner Cleaner" from Radio Shack instead, it's the same shit, but a dollar cheaper. Basically, it's the shit you spray into the channel knobs on older TVs to clean/lube up the contacts inside the switch itself. Just spray the shit where you want it and make sure to provide some abrasion (like turning a knob all the way back and forth while the unit's off) and you should be as good as new.

    Or do like IMC said and buy something a little newer than your fucking 286, Nauseous...
  11. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I'm not pissing away money on a fucking computer.

    My car was paid off this month and I just got another pay increase (so I will have some extra cash now) but I have other plans for my new income. A new PC is very low on my list of priorities. The mic isn't that important. My microcassette recorder works best anyway AND it's portable. *kicks tower*

    So get off my case IMC and Lomo. I find it pretty amusing that Lomo has any right to talk about one's belongings considering everything he fucking owns is used.
  12. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    A little clarification...



    "Used up."

    You go try finding brand new (good) arcade games and let me know what you turn up, okay? :p
  13. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Sorry to butt in on this one...BUT...if you don't spend a little cash for maintaining your current system, it will go up, and you'll end up shelling out some cash for a new one, or repairs(assuming you can't do them yourself)...besides, *IF* you buy the parts, and assemble it yourself(again, assuming you ARE capable of that...though it is pretty simple), you can get a decent system(and without buying a new CD-RW drive, DVD drive, although I'd suggest a new hard drive(using your old one as a slave drive), your old keyboard/monitor/mic/speakers/etc...) for less than what your car payment was. And it would be a one time expence...IF you know what you are looking for. Hell, even if YOU don't, you may have a friend/associate who does.
    I know...I got one less than a month ago...pieced together from parts bought new(except keyboard/mouse/monitor/speakers/cd-rw/dvd/printer/scanner/video card). Cost me less than $250.
  14. FredVegas2

    FredVegas2 New Member

  15. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Lomo, you know I'm not just talking about arcade games. Even your toothbrush is second hand.

    KaptainSkitzo, you have a dumb name. Why would I want to listen to anything that you have to say?

    I asked a question about my microphone, not "Hey guys! Should I buy a new computer?"
  16. FredVegas2

    FredVegas2 New Member

    Becauses he thinks....wait....not thinks...he doesn't think...believes...because he believes he's properly educated?
  17. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Sew hez kewl?
  18. FredVegas2

    FredVegas2 New Member

  19. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    I keep telling you - you'd fit in so well down here... 8)
  20. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Uh... no thanks.

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