Woohoo!!! 420!!! Hey, check THIS shit out...I don't know how many of you have heard of the band "Crack The Sky"(they are a Baltimore local band, were national back in the 80's....but anyway), they did a FREE show a couple of years ago(when sunday was 4/20)... down at Baltimore's Inner Harbor...and here's how pathetic the crowd was....NO ONE blazed up...and even worse, some fuckhead called someone on their cell phone, and held the phone up so that the person on the other end could listen to the show. Christ, no wonder they call them "Baltimorons"!!!!
Hell, I've even done that... It was to my old buddy from high school that was supposed to make it into town to go to the Ministry show last year. He was just as gung-ho about going as I was, but - the pussywhipped bastard never made it to the show and finally called me (right as the show's about to begin) - he gave me a cheesy-ass excuse as to why his wife wouldn't let him go... So I called him back during his favorite song. Hell, I think I might've even called Nauseous too, too fucked up back then to remember though...
Ulfur, lemme clue you into some of my direct lineage.... my real life last name is contained in the following document: Hitler and my family go waayyy back. so yeah, 4/20 means much more than merely smoking myself stupid. :twisted:
Sorry Nursey...fact of the matter is, I don't have a cell phone, don't need a cell phone, and don't WANT a cell phone. I hate the damned things. Personally, I think each one should have a target painted on them....just to give ya something to score points with when ya shoot the fuckers.
Lomo, even if I *DID* have a cell phone, I sure as shit wouldn't call a pussy-whipped douchebag when his favorite song came on...unless I did it to say...."Hey, listen to what you are missing out on, douche-bag!" and then hang up. And yes, I am a rotten fucker for that.
Ok, Cudo's to you for doing it! BUT, the guy I saw at the Crack The Sky show didn't! He held it up for 2 hours!