Posted in the Wrong Forums: A Couple of Quotes From Black Co

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Sigma, Apr 13, 2004.

  1. Sigma

    Sigma New Member

    Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2004 3:12 am Post subject: A couple of quotes from Black Coffee Blues


    For those of you who don't know, Black Coffee Blues is a book by Henry Rollins, a.k.a the lead singer of Black Flag (Band from the 80s) and today's Rollins Band, and also a pretty talented actor. Anyway, this guy is fucking hilarious. He has been on comedy central and written a few books anyway here is a few quotes from this book from a section called 124 Worlds:

    It was her third black eye this month. She didn't freak out. She did shoot him in the face while he was watching television.

    She came home and he was beating their child. She walked past them, went to the fridge, got a beer, and sat down and watched T.V.

    It was late, and they were in bed. Yes they were doing it, would I waste my time telling you a story about two people sleeping? Anyway, they breathed in, they breathed out. Right, go talk to Andy Warhol. The best thing he ever did was take Grace Jones for her money, too bad he didnt take her out of circulation for keeps. You remember the white guy from the movie 48 Hours? He talked about giving his woman "The high hard one"? Isn't that gross? Who writes this shit anyway? So, thats what this guy was doing to this girl.

    They were having a grand old time, making the party noises. She giggled and he laughed. And then the phone rings. Its three in the morning and the phone rings--what the fuck? She reaches over and picks it up. Now how the hell would you like to be that guy, all hot and bothered, frozen in the ridiculous pushup position, then she just reaches over and picks up the phone like you aren't even there. You try to look a the walls, you can't see shit cause its too dark.

    So anyway, your listening in on the conversation, and you stick it in with great emphasis to see if you can make her talk funny. Her face curls like a snake, and you give her a look thats like "Gee can't this phone call wait for another time?" but it comes out looking like "GET THE FUCK OFF THE PHONE, I'LL HAVE YOU NOW!"

    Skipping ahead (Its a long ass story)
    ...And then you hear her hang up from a thousand miles away. You say "Now where were we?" all sexy and shit. Like she'll even remember your name.

    It takes awhile, but your back to what your doing. Here you go with the head down grimace of the working man. Your right about to come and the phone rings again. She picks it up and starts talking again. She hangs up and says that he's coming over and could you please remove yourself from her. She shakes your hand and says it was nice to meet you and that Walter will be over soon. She starts changing the sheets, you ask what the fuck for, nothing happened in them. She tells you Walter doesn't like this pattern.

    So your in the hallway right, and you get this great idea. You go over to the doorstep and pull out your pudd and start whacking away. Hoping, that maybe,just maybe, Walter will slip and break his godamn neck. Good night.
  2. TimBoaT

    TimBoaT Member

    Now I'll agree that Henry Rollins has said some funny things, (in between his stint on Junk-yard wars)

    but why on earth would you quote the most un-funny story in the entire book?

    I hate you, and I'm sure Henry does too.. but nobody cares what that washed up "I'll do anything as long as you're paying me" thinks anyways...
  3. Sigma

    Sigma New Member

    Wow. That was the most intelligent thing Ive ever heard. Especially where you said you hate me. You don't even know me you stupid fuck. If Henry Rollins hates anyone, it would be assholes like you who talk shit about people they don't even know.
  4. Sigma

    Sigma New Member

    Oh, and one more thing. I didn't quote that because it was funny, I quoted it because it really happens. Now as soon as you get off of cloud fucking nine and come back to Earth, maybe you'll see that the only reason why i quoted it is because I felt like it.
  5. Dubyas Brother Tojo

    Dubyas Brother Tojo New Member

    it was still fucking boring irregardless of your reasons. I didn't even read it all to get that opinion.

    I think that was Tim's point.
  6. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    And, any one that gives a shit about Hank has most undoubtly read that book seeing as its old as hell, in case you didnt notice this isnt the book club forums, its the FUGLY FORUMS you god damned shit eater, so why dont you just shut your BIG UGLY MOUTH and quit argueing about who Henry does or dosnt hate..fucking moron
  7. stymie

    stymie New Member

    Was it just me or did anyone else see the irony here?
  8. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    indeed. whats the definition of irony

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