Nursey's New Movie

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Nauseous, Apr 5, 2004.


Does Nursey resemble a little boy?

  1. Yes.

  2. Fuck yes!

    0 vote(s)
  3. No, more prepubescent boy.

    0 vote(s)
  1. theonlylivingboy

    theonlylivingboy New Member


    Ah, Margaret Hilda Thatcher, without any shadow of doubt the finest leader our wonderful country ever had.
  2. Spooky Action

    Spooky Action New Member

    :D Well it's good to see you and Nursey have built bridges and bonded so well while I've been away... :D
  3. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Hey Nursey, I'm not trying to be insulting....but that picture reminds me a LOT of Karen Carpenter.
    What ever happened to the stuffed horse pic you posted a while back?
  4. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Is that so, Shitwit? Well in that case it's lucky i'm not insulted, particularly seeing as this 'honest, unbiased observation' is coming from someone that, in my experience, has little or no credibility whatsoever. And one who bears many grudges for my enthusiastic role in consistantly helping to make look a complete imbecyllic moron, (latest example) at that. Not that it was any great feat on my part.
    You mean cock-pig? I had to remove it because it was bewitching the scrotums of adolescent, acne ridden, Jean Claude Van Damme lookalikes, though come to think of it, that could well of been you without your guise... :?
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Umm... scroll up and take a look at yourself. I mean, I'm what we yankee's call in the "normal" weight range for my height. I could stand to lose about 10 vanity pounds and I do sorta fret about it, but most girls STILL THEIR TWENTIES do.

    I feel the to speak of this 'purging' because it's a stigma YOU created FOR me. Kind of like playing my role, so to speak.

    8) emaciated chicken parts (you know breasts, thighs, legs)

    I'm thinking this might be your projection.

    Don't worry, if I were to lust after a woman, I'd want a WOMAN and not a female dog trapped in a little boy's body.

    I'm sorry, but you look like you stink. Nuff said.

    That hat was worn in context with the thread you took the picture from.

    I'm just suggesting that you wear clothes... not second hand lingerie.

    Well, it's good to know that the skeletal-like appearance of your body and the government aid-looking housing comes from many nights 'getting out you face with friends'...

    I was starting to feel bad for making 'light' (heh.. no pun intended) of your 'feeble' situation for fear that you might have leukemia or AIDS.

    Please, please, don't refer to that crusty hanging 'turkey neck' vaginal region as "shaved pussy". I think I speak for the majority here when I say, "Uh yuck... we don't need the visuals"

    Self Mutilation... just dandy. Beak? Projection?! I mean, make up your mind. You can't see me in all living animals!?? That's just a little bit on the obsessive side. :shock:
  6. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Hello Dr. Roboto

    And Schmed... uh-huh... no way, I'd slip slide around with her for several reasons.. one being that she might put an eye out with her elbow and/or I would suffer more puncture wounds.
  7. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member


    Thanks a lot Nursey for not appreciating the compliments that took me a good 45 minutes to come up with. It was no easy task having to keep looking at that scary-ass pic of yours.

    Geesh. No respect. :(
  8. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    *puts on fatsuit and smears black shadow round eyesockets*

    I'LL DO IT!! I'LL DO IT!!
  9. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    *orders bigger fatsuit*
  10. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Archie says that i am the only one that can legally interfere with said wrestling match, but he likes ya pimp so im sure you could talk to him, now we just gotta drug the girls and get them in the ring together as neither seems willing to comply.... come on Nauseous be a sport..or better yet you 2 ladies just rub yourselves down with chocolate pudding and post pics in various wrestling positions, we can always use photo shop (yes I have thought this all through very carefully)
  11. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Dear oh dear! That has to be one of the most irate posts i've ever had directed at me!:eek: See what you've done Ulfur!! Next time you want to make comments like this, you might want to throw in a little scrap at the end to keep acetone cunt happy (eg. "and Nauseous, your pecker always gives me wood"), though to be fair, i think i may have untactfully struck a nerve or two in my last couple of posts to her judging by the intensification of her tone between her last visit and this, most recent one.
    Post a more recent picture and we'll decide. Either you're being a flabby, backpeddling liar or you're a silly neurotic bore fretting about fuck all. And quit taking cheap shots at Rat and UT you snidey bitch!
    And i wasn't talking about my sweet orchid when i said 'shaved pussy' i was referring to myself in a self deprecating way, you silly cunt.
    Chicken, dog, turkey neck...'obsessive', you say?:?:shock:
    ...yes but Archie worships me, and i choose Pimp. Fatty hatchet face could hack lumps out of me with that fearsome nasal weapon! :eek:
  12. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Nursey, I wasn't taking cheap shots at Rat and UT. I doubt my words would bother them much, but obviously it struck a chord with you.

    You're always so easy to get stirred up.

    I don't see how you think my post was "irate" because I generally don't have to resort to calling you cuss words to get my point across. I guess the truth hurts...

    I can't comment much on what you wrote, because most of it didn't make sense to me, but a picture isn't out of the realm of possibility.
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Oh god, I just re-read what you posted.

    Sweet Orchid. There ain't nothing sweet about that orchid. Fucking gross.

    You did get me on the animal reference thing though. Guess I didn't think that one through... Unfortunately, I tend to do this... maybe the XANAX is clouding my thought pattern?!
  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Oh just shut up, you silly bitch! Loosen up and have a nice time. Bye! :arrow:
  15. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    the only thing sausage-like about me is my penchant for furiously eating them with such a frenzy that i bite my own fingers. there were plenty-o snausages in Nashville, which i ate along side buckets of grits and real maple syrup. and i was sporting the new cowgirl hat i bought at "Cracka-ass Cracka Barrel". i'd love to show you all; but the non-paying ingrates shouldnt be permitted. perhaps they'll show up in my self-serving whine fest LiveJournal. in the meantime i'll catch up with this thread and see just what Barfy is up to. Cheers-
  16. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Barfy doesn't feel well today. :(

    And blah on you Nursey. You be no fun t'all.

    Who wants to fight with me now? Anyone? This place isn't much fun if you get along with everyone... I'd feel like a Lomo.
  17. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

  18. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Yeah, it was the magic mushrooms. Carry on being a stupid, tight faced bitch now.
  19. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member


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