Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by KaptainSkitzo, Mar 20, 2004.

  1. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

  2. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    DJ: HEY! This is Edgar on WBAM. Do you know "Mate Match"?
    Contestant: (laughing) Yes I do.
    DJ: What is your name? First only please.
    Contestant: Brian
    DJ: Are you married or what Brian?
    Brian: Yes.
    DJ: Yes? Does this mean your are married or what? Brian?
    Brian: (laughing nervously) Yes, I am married.
    DJ: Thank you Brian. OK, now, what is your wife's name? First only please Brian.
    Brian: Sara.
    DJ: Is Sara at work Brian?
    Brian: She is gonna kill me.
    DJ: Stay with me here Brian! Is she at work?
    Brian: (laughing) Yes she is.
    DJ: All right then, first question: When was the last time you had sex?
    Brian: She is gonna kill me.
    DJ: BRIAN! Stay with me here, man.
    Brian: About 8 o'clock this morning.
    DJ: Atta boy.
    Brian: (laughing sheepishly) Well.
    DJ: Number 2: How long did it last?
    Brian: About 10 minutes.
    DJ: Wow! You really want that trip huh? No one would ever have said that
    if it there wasn't a trip at stake.
    Brian: Yeah, it would be really nice.
    DJ: OK. Final question: Where was it that you had sex at 8 this morning?
    Brian: (laughing hard) I ummmmm...
    DJ: This sounds good. Brian where was it?
    Brian: Not that it was all that great...just that her mom is staying with us for a couple of weeks and she was taking a shower at the time.
    DJ: Ooooooh, sneaky boy!
    Brian: On the kitchen table.
    DJ: Not that great? That is more adventurous than the last hundred times
    I have done it. Anyway, (to audience) I will put Brian on hold, get his wife's work number and call her up. You listen to this.
    DJ: (to audience) Let's call Sara shall we? (touch tones...ringing)
    Clerk: Kinko's.
    DJ: Hey, is Sara around there somewhere?
    Clerk: This is she.
    DJ: Sara, this is Edgar with WBAM. I have been speaking with Brian for a couple of hours now.
    Sara: (laughing) A couple of hours?
    DJ: Well, a while anyway. He is also on the line with us. Brian knows not to give away any answers or you lose. Soooooooo! do you know the rules of "Mate Match"?
    Sara: No.
    DJ: Good.
    Brian: (laughing)
    Sara: (laughing) Brian, what the hell are you up to?
    Brian: (laughing) Just answer his questions honestly, OK?
    Sara: Oh, Brian.
    DJ: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sara I will now ask you 3 questions and if you can answer the same way Brian has, then the 2 of you are off to Orlando, Florida at our expense. This does include tickets to Disney World, Sea World and tickets to see the Orlando Magic play. Get it Sara?
    SARA! GET IT Orlando Magic, they are on strike. Sara, helloooooo, anyone home?!?!
    Sara: (laughing hard) YES, yes.
    Brian: (laughing)
    DJ: All right, when did you have sex last Sara?
    Sara: Oh God, Brian. This morning before Brian went to work.
    DJ: What time?
    Sara: About 8 I think. (sound effect - DING DING DING)
    DJ: Very good. Next question: How long did it last?
    Sara: 12,15 minutes maybe.
    DJ: hmmmmm...
    Background voice in studio: That's close enough. I am sure she is trying not to harm his manhood.
    DJ: Well, we will give you that one. Last question: Where did you do it?
    Sara: OH MY GOD, BRIAN! You did not tell them did you?!?!
    Brian: Just tell him honey.
    DJ: What is bothering you so much Sara?
    Sara: Well, It's just that my mom is vacationing with us and...
    DJ: SHE SAW?!?!
    Sara: BRIAN?!?!
    Brian: NO, no I didn't...
    DJ: Ease up there sister. Just messin' with your head. Your answer?
    Sara: Dear Lord,..I cannot believe you told them this.
    Brian: Come on honey it's for a trip to Florida.
    DJ: Let's go Sara we ain't got all day. Where did you do it?
    Sara: In the ass. (long pause)
    DJ: We will be right back.
    DJ: I am sorry for that ladies and gentlemen. This is live radio and these things do happen. Anyway, Brian and Sara are off to lovely Orlando, Florida.
  3. Darkgroovey

    Darkgroovey New Member

    Welcome to 1998!
  4. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    this thread needed spicing up, arschloch
  5. Schmed

    Schmed New Member


    Bat-Pimp: 1

    Arschloch: 0
  6. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan New Member

    i never heard it before, thats funny stuff.
  7. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    wasnt that from the Dating Game in the 70's? i thought i saw that on tv.
  8. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Pimp, after you've had your head smashed about as much a MS has it's hard to form sentences, you should congratulate him.
  9. Darkgroovey

    Darkgroovey New Member

    True, being a world class athlete does have it's draw backs sadly.
  10. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Keep dreaming numb the rest of the shit you like to pretend about.
  11. Darkgroovey

    Darkgroovey New Member

    bitter old hag.
  12. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    ROFL..did i hit a nerve. :lol:
  13. Spooky Action

    Spooky Action New Member

    Your not that old, are you U.T? :wink:
  14. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    I'm terribly old.

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