mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i got a nudist camp right near me the old people there look like brown califonia raisins .too bad there arent any younger people there i might unroll it and go there sometime.
KA-POW!!! The come back of come backs! A your mom retort! Bet you shit yourself there didn't ya spooky!
ok stymie that wasnt a your momma joke if you were from the SuperPower you would know that mom jokes start with your mommas so ... but your not from here and you wouldnt understand our humor considering europes funny man is benny hill that sayes alot about you guys. your country is as funny as a bottle of milk and thats sad .oh yeah I dug up princess di lastnight and fucked her skeleton
He didn't say it was a "your momma joke" you fuckin retard.He said it was a "your mom retort" 2 totaly different things.Now go play nicely with the other 14 year olds ,they might find something you say amusing.
seeing as how you are not 14 why dont you stop acting like it , then we all wouldnt think you were 14...fucking moron
there's a much better view here the music rounds it off well
she's even grosser than the cadavers i saw in SC. *vommmmmit* and i emailed the links to 2 fags i hate. thanks! :wink: