
Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by Icenhour, Mar 3, 2004.

  1. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    Last night I went to buy 2 large aquariums from an old lady... She told me that I would have to take her last living fish... that cant seem to die, and kills any other fish put with him... (her son moved away 4 months ago and told her to sell his tanks to make up for his phone bill)
    Well this was a Great deal for two 80 gal aquariums!
    I get there last night to pick them up with my little brother... And he said as soon as he saw the fish... "I think this little fucker is a Piranha." I have not set up the tanks so he is just hangin out in a storage bucket right now... PIC

    I should have the tank set up today... I will post a good pic then.

    I call my friend with huge tanks, and ask if they want it,,, and they are all "HELL NO...THEY ARE ILLEGAL IN THE STATE OF GEORGIA" (funny he said this concidering the type of indoor garden he has)

    So what the fuck do I do with it? My friend said it might not be a Piranha... and it may just be it's cousin called a Pacu... Who do I call to find out if its against the law?
  2. 1337

    1337 New Member

    do you know a lot about fish?
    setting up the tank wrong will kill it.

    tal kto me on yahoo im a fish expert.

    also get a better pic of the fish so i can ID it.
  3. Spooky Action

    Spooky Action New Member

    Is this it?

    Called a 'Jack Dempsey' so named after the heavy-weight boxer, because of it's high aggresiveness.

    A friend of mine once thought he would buy a couple of new fish for his beloved tank one day, and woke up the next morn to find a tank full of dead fish... And one aggressive Jack Dempsey.
    From what I remember, he wasn't to happy with the shop that sold it to him....
  4. Spooky Action

    Spooky Action New Member

    Is this it?

    Called a 'Jack Dempsey' so named after the heavy-weight boxer, because of it's high aggresiveness.

    A friend of mine once thought he would buy a couple of new fish for his beloved tank one day, and woke up the next morn to find a tank full of dead fish... And one aggressive Jack Dempsey.
    From what I remember, he wasn't to happy with the shop that sold it to him....
  5. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Need one of those fuckers for a bathtub I know of...
    Better yet.....a couple of them for the local Town & Country Apartments swimming pool!
  6. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    Ok got it half ass set up... After 3 trips to PetSmart, and one trip to Home Depot, and 1 trip to Walmart... Shit so much work for a fucking fish...jesus.

    Here are the crapy pics....

    I think he is a Pacu... and yes a know about fish... I hate that he takes up a whole tank ... although I am thinking a few Oscars would be good tank mates...

    Now I have to brag for a min about the good deal I got...

    2 - 80 gal aquarium (with hoods and lights) but I need to buy 3 bulbs
    6 Power external filters... with tons of new unopened media
    130 pounds of rocks (all ugly bright colors... I bought some new bags today)
    2 siphons (the kind you hook up to the sink
    3 air bubble thingies
    4 heaters
    3 pieces of ugly colored coral
    like 10-13 fakes plants
    New PH test kit
    3 new giant bottles of Stress Coat
    like 10 used bottles of other crap
    One UGLY stand... I made my own
    One large gravel Vacuum
    One small net, and 2 Large nets
    There is tons of other crap I have not gotten into yet

    and guess how much I paid????

    Come on guess....
  7. 1337

    1337 New Member

    100 dollars and another 50 for pickup?
  8. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member


    And this whole fucking time I thought this thread was going to be a tribute to the Pacman ROM-swap...
  9. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member


    Yeah but I told you... dork. I did not know you had more then one SN on fugly.
    I like "highclasswhitetrash" more
  10. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    sorry to say, but fish have to be one of the worst pets ever, next to birds.
    i had a 50 gallon tank with 30 of these bastards.

    they are aggressive fuckers. salt water pinfish from the gulf of mexico and near by salt water marshes. they eat each other, fight, even attack any one who sticks their finger around the water. one day i came in to find 4 half eaten fish floating and another sucked 1/3 the way in the filter siphon tube.
  11. Captain Morgan

    Captain Morgan New Member

    cut it up and eat the little bastard
  12. 1337

    1337 New Member

    icenhour: on the old forums you could change your name
    during the switch they all got reset

    i guess i could re register or maybe FUGLY will change it?
  13. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Did they all have bullet holes on their spine, too?
  14. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    yea they all had that "bullet hole", just some marking they all have. they arnt very big fish. about 4-5 inches average.
  15. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    maybe it just some trend, you know like putting static cling bullet holes on cars.
  16. Matthew

    Matthew New Member

    not a pirhanna or pacu, i used to have a pacu, theyre legal in texas, however their cousins the pirhannas are not. try feeding it raw hamburger meat, makes em bloodthirsty and evil as shit.

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