This is a mature, sensible thread where all can submit their works for fair comments and criticism. The first is a work inspired by this thread, i call it 'Breezey sunday afternoon'... The next is a self portrait entitled 'The Incredible Panus of Being'... Well that's all for now...get busy!
So very, very profound. Hmmm. I'm liking it, Spooky action, i certainly most am! *The tragedy. Mortality of man. Dust to dust. The sword of honour...the witness and the conqueror...thy will..has - been - done! But who gives a fuck? We've just chucked some 'Eckies' down our necks and it's time to go and have hot mongolbonding fun down at the local nightclub and get the beers in and check the local talent...luvverly jubberly missus...PHOOOWARRR![/b]* :idea: Just my take on this challenging piece, for what it's worth.
Well. The first one is obviously the best. I felt a surge of heroism that had my nipples tightening to impassioned attention as my retinas flickering deliciously to bring the image into focus. Really powerful. The next one is shit, but still needs a bit of work. The next is pretty impactful, but i feel a little more elaboration on the character wouldn't go amiss. Some clues to fill the piece out...who is this beast? What do they want? 'Who-to-for-art-thou-doest-go?' type of stuff. The last one has me really pissed off. Who the fuck's that then? 'Hope' she was fucking good, you prick. :x
might as well post these while i'm at it... originally posted in this thread by adi granov, a member of..... this forum: which was the inspiration for this thread, which happens to be where i spend most of my forumming time these days...
What the fuck is this shit? :roll: Tell whoever did them to like, get with the programme? What i want to see is something unpolished and, raw.
I'm almost a bit thrown by these...i mean there's raw and there's 'still not quite beaten out of it's misery' :? Anyway, it's definately got the primordial energy that the horseshit Pimp just posted lacks. You certainly have something going with this theme, i may try and glean a few tips from observing your technique. Anyway, another of my works, 'Blacks on blondes - my ass is gaping'
Hfffff....and i wouldn't happen to be be sensing a little bitterness there, perchance, Pimp??? :roll: Nonetheless, i've addressed your criticism here with my latest take.. Blabstractonclones
nursey go goatse next. you can make reprints and sell those for big money! who wouldnt want a giant goatse painting above the fireplace?
Hmm, original..... Ahhh, my first post on fugly evah! I do however know of Nursey from reading so many posts over the last year. What I don't know is why she is comming back just to pick on people here? I sense that there is still some love in her for you Fugly people.