name: josh birthday: 3/1/88 gender: male location: ohio occupation: student expertise: web/graphic design hobbies: web/graphic design, net gaming, guitar, friends, girls =D nicknames: menikamati, menika, bean, buddha 1/7/04 havent posted it 3 days... hehe... well school today was lame because we did nothing except that we stayed in homeroom all day and play halo =D. mr. gomez gave us passes to his room for the whole day, it r0x0red. well jessica is coming over saturday so thats gonna pwn. heres some pod lyrics that i like. 1/4/04 my cousin spencer stayed the night last night... we walked around in the rain for about 2 hours, but im bummed because i have school tomorrow. christams break went by so fast. its unbelievable....... 1/3/04 sorry i have not been posting lately, i have been working on the new layout and the holiday. anyways my girlfriend jessica came over today. we watched the roger waters movie. (pink floyd) then we listened to music and talked alot. i really like this chick XD. shes really short ^^ hahahah bring on the innocent......
MY GOD!!!! i remember a time when i was like Josh there, I believe it was right before my day of kindergarten.