There you go brotha. What--I think, I did different was I copied your link onto my adress bar and got to the site. I right click the image, hit properties and copy/pasted the link from there.
Well fuck me running! Thanks CS! Ok, here are the other two that go with it... and.... And like I said......despite the guy in the background, he's not gay either.
LMAO! That's one of my best friends. His name is Dennis (Last name withheld for legal reasons). Seriously though, he asked me not to post his last name. However....I'll post another one for ya all to get a good laugh at.
No, that is our designated beer bitch, Mike. He's moved away, down to WV, and got married...we have *NO* idea what she looks like, but given the last GF he had, (nicknamed the Thorazine Queen)...we can only imagion! I'll post a pic of me sooner or later.
WV? chances are she has no teeth. my buddy brad is from there, and he has bad teeth. and he was one of the social elite. he lived by a state highway, which is a big deal there i guess... so, unless this girl is in charleston, or on a state road, i'm betting that all she has is the required can opener tooth.