What MJ *SHOULD* look like.

Discussion in 'Random Media' started by KaptainSkitzo, Dec 4, 2003.

  1. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

  2. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Damn, sent it before I could type anything.

    Anyway, I found that pic, this website took a pic of him as a kid, and aged it.
    Specificly, this pic:

    Compare it to his mugshot.....

    Sick, ain't it?
  3. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    I am sick of the MJ pics. ... leave the poor man alone. Even if he had NO plastic surgery... he would never wear that shirt and coat! I cant blame him for having his nose done.... he cant help it his doc fucked up.
  4. DABhand

    DABhand New Member

    Actually his doc didnt feck up, he always wanted to be like Dianna Ross. Thats the story anyways.
  5. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Icenhour:
    I am sick of the MJ pics. ... leave the poor man alone. Even if he had NO plastic surgery... he would never wear that shirt and coat! I cant blame him for having his nose done.... he cant help it his doc fucked up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Poor man....my ass.
    Motherfucker has almost as much money as the Catholic Church, and in a related note, has molested about as many children.
  6. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    how do you know he molested them? where you there? I think MJ is a freak but he is a rich freak... if he wanted to fuck little kids he has the $ to buy them or travle to fucked up places and fuck the 10 year old male whores. I think the ghetto family is just after $$$.

    As far as the case 10 years ago.... OK I will say this , I have a kid, a little boy, and if ANYONE fucked or sucked him.... I would have them dead or in jail. No amount of $$ would allow me to forget about it and drop it, and let the man free to do it again. NO I would not let my kid sleep over at MJ's house... or any man's house. The only time my brat stayed with a man (other then his dad) was with my brother for less then1 hour when I was rushed to the hospital, then my sister came to get him.
    Yes MJ is weird, has tons of plastic surgery, but you know what ... if I had that bastards $$$ I would be one crazy looking bitch...Plastic surgery is addicting (just like tattooes) And if I had a big ole flat niggie nose like that I would have it fixed. And if has the money to change his skin color ... and does it... I dont blame him.
    Yes his love for kids is strange, and sleeping with them is strange, but I love my animals, and I sleep with them, but I dont fuck them.

    I think the MJ shit is over played, I hear more about MJ (on CNN) then about the Billions of dollars Bush is spending to rebuild a country for a bunch of sand niggers, and othe bigger news topics.
  7. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Icenhour:
    how do you know he molested them? where you there? I think MJ is a freak but he is a rich freak... if he wanted to fuck little kids he has the $ to buy them or travle to fucked up places and fuck the 10 year old male whores. I think the ghetto family is just after $$$.

    As far as the case 10 years ago.... OK I will say this , I have a kid, a little boy, and if ANYONE fucked or sucked him.... I would have them dead or in jail. No amount of $$ would allow me to forget about it and drop it, and let the man free to do it again. NO I would not let my kid sleep over at MJ's house... or any man's house. The only time my brat stayed with a man (other then his dad) was with my brother for less then1 hour when I was rushed to the hospital, then my sister came to get him.
    Yes MJ is weird, has tons of plastic surgery, but you know what ... if I had that bastards $$$ I would be one crazy looking bitch...Plastic surgery is addicting (just like tattooes) And if I had a big ole flat niggie nose like that I would have it fixed. And if has the money to change his skin color ... and does it... I dont blame him.
    Yes his love for kids is strange, and sleeping with them is strange, but I love my animals, and I sleep with them, but I dont fuck them.

    I think the MJ shit is over played, I hear more about MJ (on CNN) then about the Billions of dollars Bush is spending to rebuild a country for a bunch of sand niggers, and othe bigger news topics.

    No, I wasn't there, but that behavior is just TOO fucking weird. And after that mess 10 years ago, you'd think the stupid nigger would have learned...but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Hell, he put a towel over his own kids head, and held him/her/it over a railing. Just how fucked up IS this guy?
    Just end it all, and shoot the fucker.
  8. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    no if he was dead CNN and other news related shows would have to real news stories that effect up and worry us.

    I dont like MJ's music, or EVER been a fan, but I have a feeling the little mexican family is just after money and nothing ever happened.
  9. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    another thing about the MJ case... they have not filled offical charges yet... and that is odd in any case..and more odd in a case this huge.

    AND the kid and his family were turned down by other bigger law firms .... and the one that took the case had him go the to a big shrink for some brain washing...
    This movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113421/
    is a true story about what a shrink can do a kid

    If my kid came home saying someone did something to him, I would call 911 and not be shopping for lawyers.

    kids are not so innocent these days... I remeber my liltle brother (who is now 22) when he was 12-13 if my dad took away his TV or video games as punishment, my lil bro would say shit like "I will go to school and say you make me suck you off, if dont give my nintendo back" My brother was a smart little shit and it worked, lol. and no my dad never did any of that shit, and my brother jokes him today with it.

    That kid that is in MJ case was poor and about to die untill MJ came in the picture, and I bet his mom has promissed his ass a Hummer with ghetto wheels when he is 16, if he goes through this.
    I know people think I am crazy, or think I just like fight about anything, but I really think MJ is not guilty
  10. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    I was watching something last year about MJ's millions and if all his creditors called in his debts he'd be bankrupt.Poor MJ, maybe he should just crawl away and die quietly.
  11. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    I agree with you that it is a bit strange that they haven't filed charges yet...but then again, why, if MJ *ISN'T* guilty, does he keep paying money to these people? I'm sure a million here and there is no big deal to him, but that just makes people believe he IS guilty, wether he is or not. Believe me, even if I had his money, if I wasn't guilty, I'd be fighting those allegations like a motherfucker.
  12. Cough Syrup

    Cough Syrup New Member

    I'd settle for a final, set himself on fire, sort of performance.
  13. Michael Jackson

    Michael Jackson New Member

    Im innocent!
  14. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    like this guy?
  15. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

  16. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Funny part is, they *STILL* consider him "Black".
  17. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kaptain Skitzo:
    Damn, sent it before I could type anything.

    Anyway, I found that pic, this website took a pic of him as a kid, and aged it.
    Specificly, this pic:

    Compare it to his mugshot.....

    Sick, ain't it?

    your telling me, look at the way his nostrils have shrunk. how does some one get that white?
  18. Robman97

    Robman97 Member

    There is a special drug that bleaches your skin, by killing your pigment cells. I was offered the same thing once, because of a skin thing I have. I didn't take it though I didnt wanna look like albino.
  19. Cough Syrup

    Cough Syrup New Member

    What makes the lips glow like that
  20. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    that shit they put in glow sticks?

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