Discussion in 'Random Media' started by Icenhour, Apr 14, 2003.

  1. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    I saved a pit/ lab from the pound a few months back, ahe needed a surgery so I took her paid for the operation and actually found her a home today.

    I had her listed at petfinder.com

    I got an email from this bitch
    from>>> Onepup4me@aol.com
    I am so sorry you have to part with your little one. However I work with Pitbulls and I will tell you now there is LITTLE chance of finding PROPER and LOVING responsible homrs with in a week or so It's Just NOT easy to do i have had them stay for a year or two before finding a home for them that was capable and responsible and committed enough to take one of my babies I saved.
    With thier reputation and the presses bad perception and the publics Irresponsible ownership there are just NOT enough proper homes for Pit Bulls yea I know yours
    is a mixed breed Means NOTHING as long as he has Pit in her he will always be a Pit Bull

    I PRAY that this little one gets a home You do realize if sent to the pound especially over there in GA that it means she will be put to sleep??
    Why can she not go to CA wih you>??
    People move all th time across country with more pets then just a great dog. I know one lady took three cats a dog and 4 birds across country when she moved. She LOVED her pets and was Committed to the task she set out on whn she got them Which is FOREVER when you get a pet./

    have you tried posting th dog on pit bull central??/ They will help you sort through the homes
    also on the dog forums and pit bull forums on www.delphiforums.com??
    Go to pit bull boards get the picture out therre and PLEASE plan on longer then a week or so
    I mena YOU have to have Known this move was coming longr then a week?? am I right??? You KNEW you would not stay committed to this pup and ould give it up longer then this rright??
    I guess you figure just like the others If i threaten to take it to the piund soemoen wil ltak it
    There are too many Already on death ro already that folks are TRYING to save. That folks JUST LIKE YOU who had NO sense of responsibility to their own  pets The ones THEY bought and when they did that THEY became responsible to that pet for the rest of his life! not for a year or  worse yet 9 *******months!
    Are you NUTS??
    You had him 9 MONTHS???
    and have given up already??
    What sort of person are you??
    why would you give up so easily??
    Did that cute little pup that obviously you wanted WHILE he was a baby No longer deserve your loe??
    i bet he has Loved you for this WHILE tiem Licked yo uwhn you came in after a hard day wagged his little tail and played ball or throw th toy with you and when you were down and mad at the world WHO was there with a goofy pittie grin  Dookie that's who! Who loved and trusted you?// no matter what you looked like or how you acted? Dookie that's who
    Who was it that ran and licked you and cuddled with you even when you yelled at hiom or spanked his rear ? Dookie thats who
    And where are you sending him??
    To die thats where

    All alone in that scary piund he sits wondering Damn hat the heck did I do? Oh she will be back
    and when they slide that little leash ovr his head and head down the hall hs is young he will no doubt think you ae back but wait we are going in that little room he has seen other dogs go in and never come out Hmm they must get out of here he thinks and again hs is happy
    But why are they putting me on the table he reaches up and kiease the lady she crys as she gets the needle ready Dookie says to himself why is she crying Must be sad to see me leave
    He has NO idea how right he is
    As she gies him th shot he realizes whats happening he fights to get back he does not want to die Hell he is waiting for you to take him back home Bur no it's too strong and a soft voic says You were a great dog dookie you should never have came here It was NOT your fault Now go free dookie run free

    and when you die GUESS who will be therre wagging his tail waiting for you???

    NO ONE
    cause dogs that get sent to the bridge this way wait NOT for that Irresponsible owner but are sent to meet little kids who pass on who have no one to help them feel safe So Dookie will go on to help someone BUT YOU YOU get NOTHING!

    I thought YOU should hear this Since you think oh well I tried for teo weeks to get him a home NOT my fault I warned them thats here i would take him
    Does this make you feel like YOU are NOT the one who caused his death???
    Well YOU are WRONG
    when you drop him off at that piound it will be YOU who signed that paper YOU who gave that shot

    Ahh but then You named the friggin dog  Dookie which in most places that means SHIT and I should think you actually LOVED him
    You should NEVER be allowed a pet again
  2. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

  3. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    First off, I never want to hear anyone complain about my spelling again. Secondly, maybe we should write this woman, and see if she can give us tips on how to run a successful "fighting pit".ask her if we should sell temales and other ethnic delacasies for our ethnic clinetel.

    you get the idea...
  4. NameYouWant

    NameYouWant New Member

    gotta love pet fundamentalists. its a good laugh especially because they really believe that shit.
  5. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    I sent back

    Well I needed to find a home for her because I am about to have my 2nd heart surgery and my 3 year old son is about to his 3rd heart surgery. We will be gone for about 2 months. I saved her from the pound cause she need a surgery she had ENTROPION, I paid for the surgery and found her a home today. How FUCKING dare you spend your time telling me off and making fun of the name my 3 year old gave her.

    FUCK YOU you lonely bitch with nothing to do
    I hope one of your Pit bulls tears off you tits


    Jesus fucking christ I do good things for the pet world , and still get shit from these people. I dont even like those dogs but I felt sorry cause no one will adopt a dog that needs surgery.

    maybe its PMS but this bitch is going to be fucked with ALL THE TIME NOW!
    she has no idea how much free time I have.
  6. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    I ment I am about tohave my 2nd brain surgery

    Update, she has signed up for tons of spam, and sent her a voodoo curse. Damm I feel 15.

    But I forgot I listed my phone # with the ad, so I have had 3 hang ups.

    You know she has to be some freak with a unicorn collection.
  7. Cyril

    Cyril New Member

    you need a hobby. seriously.

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