He looks like a huge Bon Jovi fan... Reminds me of when my FIRST CAR one week after I bought it (shittie Nissan Pulsar) my back window was broken and a few things were stolen. Nothing of much value but it sucked having to replace the window. 2 weeks later some 50 year old nigger came up to me asking for money, Wearing my Front 242 shirt. I was SOOO pissed!!!
Whats up with those socks??? You know every time I see ass pics... it is 98% of the time from Germany. Why is that? And every time you see chicks eating vomit, its asians.
------------------------------------------------------------------------ yeah man i should think you'd never have wanted to see it again <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote like you did not have dorky clothes you thought were cool when you were 17.... OR if you under 20....everything you do right now will be fucking retarded to you 10 years from now..... TRUST ME!!! and btw, front 242 kick ass niggah
No Ambien.. yet... Me have to get up an hour early tomorrow... WE ALL DO, KELLY, YOU FUCKING IDIOT... sorry, damn... GO TO BED, YOU BABY KILLING SLUT... what? I didn't kill it. it just died... WHATEVER WHORE... REPENT... but, I thought I was agnostic?... YOU ARE, THAT'S WHY YOU KNOW YOU'RE IN DEEP SHIT IF YOU MUST PRAY, CUNTFACE....