After hours of pondering and postulating I have come to the realization that the pic Sangay uses is a male model pic that I have seen in the young dumb and full of cum arab boymeat magazine. After I had this epiphany I decided it was my mission to find the real Sangay and ladies and gentleman also transvestites of Fugly, I am proud to present you with thee one and only Sangay Kapoor!!!!!! YAY!!! This is almost as satisfying as when I discovered Tommy's long lost identity.
the pic sangay uses is a promotional still from a british soap opera "eastenders".. it is a pic of 'sanjay kapoor', an indian market trader, and the patriarch of the soaps token ethnic family from some time ago
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ross perot: .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> that pic is frighteningly similar to that disgusting yet endearing character from the ghostbuster cartoons... slimer
Pimp u draw a very valid conclusion I was wondering who he or she looked like and then u answered my question as if in a prayer.
sanjay kapoor seems to be a woman. eye shaddow, ear percing, and the conditioned hair.. I'd say she was ready for her big day. sanjay you should realy do something about that beard and mustachce. Some makeup wouldn't hurt either. BUT PLEASE, DO NOT SMILE. Guys like IMC might actually like ya.
*looks at pic* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! what is it? someone didnt take the sex change all the way! i suggest he r she go get a fuken makeover r make up tips from a professional
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sarcastic_Bitch: How about some teeth with those gums? Ross, give me your msn!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> its on my profile i think.. I'll pm ya actually if its not.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Whore of Babylon: Yaha.K virus?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> .scr r .exe, some emails have no return email addresses
yeah the W32.Yaha.K@mm is usually a 46K file in screen saver .SCR or executable .EXE maybe one of your friends have it? just check it out anyhow.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Whore of Babylon: yeah the W32.Yaha.K@mm is usually a 46K file in screen saver .SCR or executable .EXE maybe one of your friends have it? just check it out anyhow.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> no. there r no return email addresses. its generated from a prog that sends email w/ no account. n no one else i know has this prob.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ross perot: I am proud to present you with thee one and only Sangay Kapoor!!!!!! YAY!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh you be wishing you Israeli cunt, wanting an arab woman looking like man to be fucking you huh? Well I am being told that Spic Kit is almost as good as being arabian, perhaps this is why you are wanting her too? But alas I am not being female, and do not request further of your "booty call" email thanking you Mrs Perot.
of course there are no return addresses! Yaha uses its own server to email from. so any of these fuglies could have it
Oh ho my little arab email me about Haunakah and your penis! Why don't you rape me Sangay? I want your ass I want my future wife's ass and maybe some other MALES! Sangay I know you like a female, but acting like one doesn't make your penis about 3 cm long and resemble a clit it doesn't mean you're a woman! I can read between the lines Jewish Pig Fucker. Please be stop sending me your coded messages!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sanjay Kapoor: ...Well I am being told that Spic Kit is almost as good as being arabian, perhaps this is why you are wanting her too?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> yes <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Whore of Babylon: of course there are no return addresses! Yaha uses its own server to email from. so any of these fuglies could have it <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> IP traces overseas, Africa. <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ross perot: Oh ho my little arab enemy....'tis you who is emailing me about Haunakah and your penis! Why don't you stop trying to rape me Sangay? I do not want your ass I only want my future wife's ass and maybe some other FEMALES! Sangay I know that you act like a female, but acting like one doesn't make you one bub! Despite the fact your penis is about 3 cm long and resembles a clit it doesn't mean you're a woman!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> oooh! sangay, r u gonna take that?