Danza 's real pictures

Discussion in 'Random Media' started by bubbabigmac69, Oct 2, 2002.

  1. bubbabigmac69

    bubbabigmac69 New Member

    If someone knows how to post pictures please tell me and I ll post some of the real Danza for you all to play with and make funny pedaphile pic with.
  2. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Oh well, like I haven't navigated people on a website enough for today...

    First you want to Click Here....

    Then click, "Browse"... Select the picture you want. (Make sure you select the right folder from the pull down menu... you might try looking in "My Documents" and then "My Pictures")

    Once you find the picture, hover over it or right click on the name of the picture and select 'properties' and make sure that the file size is no higher than 60KB.

    If it is under 60KB, click, "Send File"

    If it is over than 60KB, you will have to resize. (Next tutorial, if needed)

    Once the picture is uploaded, it will appear and just below it you will find the URL... (the http://www.fugly.com/ornot/... thingy) You will want to highlight the text by clicking your left mouse button and holding it in until you've got all the text you need highlighted... and then copy the text... (pressing and holding the "Ctrl" key and then the "C" key OR by right clicking and selecting "Copy") You are now ready to reply to this thread and post your picture!
    Under the "Instant UBB Code", click on the "Image" button. Paste the text by pressing and holding the "Ctrl" key and pressing the "V" key OR by right clicking in the picture and selecting, "Paste". (I prefer doing "Ctrl" "V", but that's just me) Click, "Ok".

    You are done. You have posted a picture
  3. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Okay...revised version. Sorry.

    First you want toClick Here....

    Then click, "Browse"... Select the picture you want. (Make sure you select the right folder from the pull down menu... you might try looking in "My Documents" and then "My Pictures")

    Once you find the picture, hover over it or right click on the name of the picture and select 'properties' and make sure that the file size is no higher than 60KB.

    If it is under 60KB, click, "Send File"

    If it is over 60KB, you will have to resize. (Next tutorial, if needed)

    Once the picture is uploaded, it will appear and just below it you will find the URL... (the http://www.fugly.com/ornot/... thingy) You will want to highlight the text by clicking your left mouse button and holding it in until you've got all the text you need highlighted... and then copy the text... (pressing and holding the "Ctrl" key and then the "C" key OR by right clicking and selecting "Copy") You are now ready to reply to this thread and post your picture! Under the "Instant UBB Code", click on the "Image" button. Paste the text by pressing and holding the "Ctrl" key and pressing the "V" key OR by right clicking in the box and selecting, "Paste". (I prefer doing "Ctrl" "V", but that's just me) Click, "Ok".

    You are done. You have posted a picture!

  4. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    Revised Revision...

    First you want to URL=http://www.fugly.com/ornot/fugly/images/upload/index.php]Click Here....[/URL]

    Then click, "Browse"... Select the picture you want. (Make sure you select the right folder from the pull down menu... you might try looking in "My Documents" and then "My Pictures")

    Once you find the picture, hover over it or right click on the name of the picture and select 'properties' and make sure that the file size is no higher than 60KB.

    If it is under 60KB, click, "Send File"

    If it is over than 60KB, you will have to resize. (Next tutorial, if needed)

    Once the picture is uploaded, it will appear and just below it you will find the URL... (the http://www.fugly.com/ornot/... thingy) You will want to highlight the text by clicking your left mouse button and holding it in until you've got all the text you need highlighted... and then copy the text... (pressing and holding the "Ctrl" key and then the "C" key OR by right clicking and selecting "Copy") You are now ready to reply to this thread and post your picture!

    Under the "Instant UBB Code", click on the "Image" button. Paste the text by pressing and holding the "Ctrl" key and pressing the "V" key OR by right clicking in the picture and selecting, "Paste". (I prefer doing "Ctrl" "V", but that's just me) Click, "Ok".

    You are done. You have posted a picture!
  5. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    I'm going to fucking bed. This posting shit is pissing me off... You try to come off looking and knowledgeable and cool and you end up looking like an idiot. Poor me.
  6. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:


    I thought i'd seen it all on the web and couldn't be shocked any more,then the freaky vomit woman posts THAT!!!
  7. bubbabigmac69

    bubbabigmac69 New Member

    like this V
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Post it to me...nursey@fuckhotmail.com
  9. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bubbabigmac69:
    like this V<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hmmm...nothing in my mailbox yet,so maybe 'V'='V-sign' and not 'total inept attempt to post pic' as i'd first imagined.
  10. bubbabigmac69

    bubbabigmac69 New Member

    sorry nursey i crossed the line last nite with danza. i need my ass beat i cant do that to him 2. i really am sorry for picking on you and pimp please forgive me ! I broke a vow that i will burn in hell for .i do however thank you for the offer but i am 2 stupid to even figure out how to send it 2 you .
  11. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Thasssss okayyyy....just keep looking over your shoulder...i don't take kindly to getting photoshop up and running on my Pieceofprehistoricshit90 only to be told 'no-no piccy'
    Check your private messages...
  12. bubbabigmac69

    bubbabigmac69 New Member

    how bout i send ya one of me insted?
  13. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    I thought i'd seen it all on the web and couldn't be shocked any more,then the freaky vomit woman posts THAT!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Even more shocking... things like this happen everyday.

  14. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nauseous:
    Even more shocking... things like this happen everyday. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    I don't find those pics disturbing.This,however,is different...

    ...it's because of the detail used to impart 'musty old hag' character and the subtle, cheered expression of the cunts mannerisms as she 'daintily' approaches the toilet.She looks like the type who'd do Scottish country dancing,probably with someone like this:
    Also,it reminds me of a maths teacher i had at school who used to have hairy white moles on her face and often a small lump of slimey/frothy white spit/congealed food stuck to her lip/mole.
  15. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    Nursey, you have made me sick to my stomach with that description. Brava! my psycho neighbor crack-head gets the white lip goo too, and the last time we went for cocktails he vomited all over himself at the bar. i didnt notice any of those moles though- i try to avoid looking at him directly.
  16. Nauseous

    Nauseous Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Nursey:
    I don't find those pics disturbing.This,however,is different...

    ...it's because of the detail used to impart 'musty old hag' character and the subtle, cheered expression of the cunts mannerisms as she 'daintily' approaches the toilet.She looks like the type who'd do Scottish country dancing,probably with someone like this:
    Also,it reminds me of a maths teacher i had at school who used to have hairy white moles on her face and often a small lump of slimey/frothy white spit/congealed food stuck to her lip/mole.

    She is not wearing knee-highs. This picture must be a fake.

    Our lord, the savior, the king makes white moles?

    Are you talking about those potato-eye looking things? Like Lemmy from Motorhead has?

  17. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    how many times do i have to tell you that Lemmy IS God?? sheesh.
  18. Cheezedawg

    Cheezedawg Guest

    I use to carry this picture in my wallet with me.

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