Alright everyone! Here is the chance you've been waiting for! I've started this thread to allow people to post pictures of their ex-lovers. Perhaps one of them has pissed you off recently and you have a few shots of them in "compromising" positions. What better revenge? I'll go first and show you all some of these people I used to poke. This is Lori. She used to live with me. Then she ran off with all my furniture and money. The only time I ever see her is when she's horny and feels like trying to get laid.... or when she wants to see the pups. (We have joint custody) Here she is again in one of those photo booths with some fat chick. I took her out of the picture. And this is her in one of her rare moments. If she pisses me off again, that black box comes off. Hehe. Now on to another.
This is Desiree. Of all my exs, this one is my favorite. We never argued. Sex was good. And she always knew how to make me feel good. Too bad she likes chicks more than dudes.
This is Christina (left). She was a good girl. She just wanted a lot more than I wanted to give. Like marriage and commitment. She used to come by for the dick every now and then even after the break-up. But she doesn't come around anymore. Guess she found another dick.
shit, i wish i had pics of my exes, but i burned them. i have only had two boyfriends-the first i met in a high school class, lasted almost 3 yrs. and the second i met from my university, lasted less than a year. you can tell i dont go out much.
This is bess. She was one hot piece of ass! Back in Delware, we were nominated as Couple of the Year. Then she left me when her owner sold her to another farm. Oh well. You can't win them all I suppose. This is bess again with my ex mother-in-law. See the resemblance?
man oh man, gotta love this section. i wonder if steph wants a rematch. do those pics even still work?
hmmm ... now there's a place for it.. i wonder if clydie will make her return to post the pic she has of me at her computer in her dressing gown... now that could be embarrassing... (if i had any shame that is )
Well considering I don't have any pics and I still want to contribute to this thread... I've decided to IMPROVISE! This is Juan. I met him at a Circle K late one night. He must have been in a hurry 'cause he hopped in my car and shouted, "Go! Go! Go!" Now that I think about it, he always had me drive away from convenience stores late at night at high speeds. Anyway, Juan taught me how to fire a gun and hurdle fences with olympic-like finesse. Unfortunately, he was gunned down one night doing the "meals on wheels" program. You know, where people go to crack houses and dark alleys and feed the poor? It's horrible that he was struck down doing something that brought him so much joy. This is Rod. He won me over with his bitchin' camaro. We used to drive around town, get high off of the exhaust fumes from his busted muffler, and then have sex on the hood behind the bowling alley. Our relationship lasted until the engine blew in the ol' bitchin' camaro... about 2 weeks. I had to dump him when he opted not to fix the camaro and bought a 1987 Ford truck. This is Geoff. Not to be confused with Jeff. I misspelled his name one time on a card and he beat the piss out of me. The funny thing is, his real name is David. Once, I asked him his middle name and he blacked both my eyes. I decided enough was enough and left him. It's just as well. He was always stealing my shirts and stretching them out anyway. [ June 07, 2001: Message edited by: Nauseous ]
Hi. I’m the fucking asshole who embedded a java bomb to open an endless cascade of gay porn sites. I did this in 52 posts over a 9 hour period from 12:50 to 8:50 AM this morning. Check out my profile for my email and IP address! [ August 13, 2001: Message edited by: Fugly ]