Bash America, you know you want to!

Discussion in 'Jokes, Funny Stories and other Text.' started by Darkgroovey, Nov 12, 2002.

  1. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Arguing in chat rooms is like winning at the Special Olympics.
    Sure you may feel good about yourslef ...But in the end you are still RETARDED! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Read that again and see who's retarded....Joey!
  2. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

  3. chester grape

    chester grape New Member

  4. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by unlimited-time:
    Read that again and see who's retarded....Joey!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  5. Max Wallin

    Max Wallin New Member

    Why would anyone ever hate AMERICA?!
    Wait... nevermind.
  6. USArmySPC

    USArmySPC New Member

    I find it funny a bunch of faggy european fucks talk trash about how america sucks, yet without the america, every one of you wouldn't be able to freely speak your mind cause either the nazis or the communists would have whipped your sissy whiny asses. none of you fuckers have any goddam balls, all you frenchmen....your new flag should be a goddam white cross with a white background for as many times as your dumbasses lose wars. any english fucks out there....i dont need to say anything to you limp wristed losers, why waste breath on people whose girlfriends have more sperm than they do. germans....gosh, didnt realize that shaving your head and beating the crap out of minorities was a new national fad over there, great way to show your a leader of human rights
    bottom line, everyone of you morons needs america to keep yourselves free, cause its our military that keeps muslim extremists from going apeshit on your nations, cause in case you didn't know, they hate you guys as much as they hate us, think about that next time you protest
  7. FrostyDaSnowPimp

    FrostyDaSnowPimp New Member

    People hate what they envy. By not being able to compete technologically, economically and monitarily you just bitch cause you can't handle it. You tout your fucking rhetoric and don't say anything. There is a reason why the USA is the only first world country (super power for those of you who don't understand the whole world class designations)
  8. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FrostyDaSnowPimp:
    People hate what they envy. By not being able to compete technologically, economically and monitarily you just bitch cause you can't handle it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Yeah and it has nothing to do with American foreign policy. Whatsoever. Just 'sour grapes' on a global scale
    It's amazing how many times i've heard that line faithfully trotted out. Quite a winner of a catchphrase, apparently.
    According to the man that bought his way into the Whitehouse:
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>GWB:
    "The threats we face are global terrorist attacks. That's the threat. And the more you love freedom, the more likely it is you'll be attacked."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    So is that why the Bush administration is in the process of destroying the U.S. constitution? So that *ahem* 'freedom hating' foreigners leave America alone? That's what you do. When you love freedom and you wish to preserve it, you lovingly destroy it to prevent it being destroyed by, uhhh, evil ones.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>
    In October 2001, one month after the 9/11 attack, the Bush administration forced through Congress an assault on civil liberties perversely titled the "USA Patriot Act" (a surreal acronym for "Uniting & Strengthening America Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act"). Exploiting the new climate of fear, the Bush team claimed that a free nation must give way to a secure nation. From the offices of a stolen presidency, we now have neither.

    The Patriot Act violates numerous constitutional rights, such as the First Amendment right to free speech and freedom of assembly, the Fourth Amendment right to be secure from unreasonable search and seizures, and the Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights to basic protections during criminal proceedings. Among other things, the Bush administration arrogated to executive government the power to demand from librarians and bookstores lists of material checked out or purchased; to undertake clandestine sneak and peek operations in homes and workplaces; to monitor citizen communications by phone or the Internet; and to detain foreigners indefinitely without legal counsel. In the new Surveillance State, all government agencies can collect and share information on anyone without judicial review, while the executive office minimizes the information citizens can collect on it and corporations through Freedom of Information requests.

    Perhaps most alarmingly, the Patriot Act created a new legal category of "domestic terrorist" that is defined broadly enough to have a chilling effect on free speech and political activity. Casting its dragnet across the land, the Patriot Act states that the crime of "domestic terrorism" occurs when a person's action "appears to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population [or] to influence the policy of government by intimidation or coercion." Interestingly, through this new form of citizen coercion the Patriot Act falls under its own definition and by logic should annul itself. Instead, civil disobedience and virtually any protest activity meets the definition of "terrorism" and could easily land one on the radar screen of the state. In a democracy, the role of citizens precisely is to influence government policy, but now this is considered coercion and so, in Bushspeak, citizen = terrorist.

    full article on the Patriot Act II

    The Patriot Act set back the struggle for civil liberties by decades, but it was only the opening volley of the Bush administration as it launches another front in its war–the blitzkrieg on democracy. Every bad horror movie has its sequel, and it is no different in this case. Whereas the Patriot Act was enacted to hurt foreigners and non-citizens the most (after 9/11, as many as 2,000 people, mostly foreigners, were rounded up and jailed for months without formal charges and the right to legal counsel), its potential successor is designed to come after American citizens themselves. The Son of Patriot Act authorizes increases in domestic intelligence gathering, surveillance, and law enforcement prerogatives that are unprecedented in US history.
  9. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
  10. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by USArmySPC:
    blah blah blah... cause its our military that keeps muslim extremists from going apeshit on your nations...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Very true, They're too busy kicking your asses on the Iraqi streets.
  11. Dr.Roboto

    Dr.Roboto New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dubya:
    Very true, They're too busy kicking your asses on the Iraqi streets.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    damn... hes got us there, maybe if the brits would help. we know how good you people are at killing people, youve been doing it for thousands of years. we could always annex iraq and call it New Texas and pump oil cheaply using slave labor while creating a monopoly on the economy there using their money to pay for our debts and cost of protecting people who dont want us there because they had it better when they couldnt speak out and talk against a oppressive leader who limited internet accesse from such wonderful sites as this and whos sons could wander in and out of homes raping women as they please and killing people who looked at them. thats a bigass run on sentence. but i guess its all good considering we had a stuttering coke head for a president who is the only president to enter office with a criminal record, showing that with money you can achive any thing, because the only way he won the election was not because of votes but be cause of dollars and checks. but i guess its alright considering we can get on a airplane with clippers/toenail clipper because some one might go cr@zy and kill the pilot and crash the plane so now we have to give them every thing metal that we have, but its not like we cant kill some one with wood by hitting them in the temple and knocking them out, now the even have to scan little kids with puppet covered metal detectors for safety. but i suppose for safety we will resort to anything thats how worked up people in the USA(god bless thee) gets because we are so used to getting what we want when we want, we dont have to worry about hunger or water or shelter just what movie we wanna watch at the cinema, but i guess we deserve it since we are the hardest working people in the world taking an average of 10 days of vacation from work mostly to tend to our sick kids and personal needs, maybe thats why we are materialistic wanting more more and more, we buy all we need from other countries putting us in major trade deficites, considering we have the world largest gross domestic product and with the next five below us combined still doesnt exceed ours.
    any one here register for the peace time Draft ? if you look at the site it says for sex "male or female" and to the side it says "(Note: Current law does not permit females to register)"
  12. FrostyDaSnowPimp

    FrostyDaSnowPimp New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR> Yeah and it has nothing to do with American foreign policy. Whatsoever. Just 'sour grapes' on a global scale
    It's amazing how many times i've heard that line faithfully trotted out. Quite a winner of a catchphrase, apparently.
    According to the man that bought his way into the Whitehouse:

    I fully agree Nursey.. but you cannot lump all of the US in with our coke head "leader." The majority of the country doesn't even consider him a leader. When the winner of the majority of the votes loses.. there is something wrong.
  13. Hatchetdragn

    Hatchetdragn New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR> The father and son always play basketball in the front driveway of the house.. and the father always wins.... Until that one day when the son who recently turned 16 completely destroys his father on the court.. from that day forward the Father hates the son because he realizes the son is now better than he is.. That is the reason why there is always so much anger between England and America..... They still love each other deep down... But we all know who the new Pappy is.


    so the son beat his dad without the help of the Indians or the French? wow, where do you get your information?

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR> I find it funny a bunch of faggy european fucks talk trash about how america sucks, yet without the america, every one of you wouldn't be able to freely speak your mind cause either the nazis or the communists would have whipped your sissy whiny asses. none of you fuckers have any goddam balls, all you frenchmen....your new flag should be a goddam white cross with a white background for as many times as your dumbasses lose wars. any english fucks out there....i dont need to say anything to you limp wristed losers, why waste breath on people whose girlfriends have more sperm than they do. germans....gosh, didnt realize that shaving your head and beating the crap out of minorities was a new national fad over there, great way to show your a leader of human rights
    bottom line, everyone of you morons needs america to keep yourselves free, cause its our military that keeps muslim extremists from going apeshit on your nations, cause in case you didn't know, they hate you guys as much as they hate us, think about that next time you protest <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    you think we did all thAt shit because it was the right thing to do? Shit. I'm American and i fucking hate this country.

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    last time i checked frosty, America wasnt at the top of the food chain when it comes to technology...

    ok, im ready to be called a liberal fag or queer or commie. go ahead and tell me to die or leave this country. doesnt bother me. just thought i would put in my .02...
  14. FrostyDaSnowPimp

    FrostyDaSnowPimp New Member

    hachet who do you propose as being in the lead globally in the technological field? Last time I checked the united states was in almost every field (computer, military, space, vehicular, etc)
  15. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by USArmySPC:
    I find it funny a bunch of faggy european fucks talk trash about how america sucks, yet without the america, every one of you wouldn't be able to freely speak your mind cause either the nazis or the communists would have whipped your sissy whiny asses. none of you fuckers have any goddam balls, all you frenchmen....your new flag should be a goddam white cross with a white background for as many times as your dumbasses lose wars. any english fucks out there....i dont need to say anything to you limp wristed losers, why waste breath on people whose girlfriends have more sperm than they do. germans....gosh, didnt realize that shaving your head and beating the crap out of minorities was a new national fad over there, great way to show your a leader of human rights
    bottom line, everyone of you morons needs america to keep yourselves free, cause its our military that keeps muslim extremists from going apeshit on your nations, cause in case you didn't know, they hate you guys as much as they hate us, think about that next time you protest

    Let me guess, the SPC in your handle stands for "Sucking Pricks Constantly"...or maybe "Shit Packing Cocksucker"?
    Oh, and I'd be willing to bet that if you really ARE a new user here, that you are a grunt loving jarhead.
    In any are a class 1, Class ONE! Top of the heap, FUCKWIT!
    I hate(LIAR!!!!) to tell you this(LIAR!!!)...but most of Europe has a much free-er press than the US. Here(in the US, for those of you who sign up, and just respond to the 10 newest posts, and not read anything older than those...) has an annoying tendancy(look it up) to present THE side of any news story those in power WANT you to see. Facts be damned!
    As far as the French go, if you are so Anti-French, then start a petition to tear down the Statue of Liberty, and send it BACK!
    As far an the British go, their most pathetic Sit-Com is better than 95% of the US's. Thank you PBS(figure it out, fuckwit)!
    And you can KISS Hitler's ass for every time you use a highway. The Audobahn was the ORIGINAL highway...and it was Adolf Hitlerhimself who pioneered the idea of a "People's Car"(Car for the masses), in the "Volkswagen".
    Bottom line, Most of Europe has a fair trade with the Middle Eastern countries. And the main reasons that the Muslims HATE the US is the rather biased support for Israel(stolen from the muslims), and the fact that the US tries to bully the rest of world to its twisted view of how things should be, when it's so fucked up that it can't even feed or house all of it's own citizens!
    One more thing, when you say "America"(and if you are going to use it improperly, at least have the decency to CAPITALIZE IT!") encompasses the whole continent(s) of America(since you are dense...please note the use of a capital letter at the begining of the word)...which includes both North and South America(Again, note the use of capital letters). This means that when you say "America", you are meaning Canada, the US, Mexico, Honduras, Peru, etc...Not all of "America" includes U.S. Citizens. In fact, if you DID include all Americans into YOUR definition, then less than 10% would would actually BE, by your definition, Americans. Has your miniscule brain siezed up yet?
  16. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by FrostyDaSnowPimp:
    People hate what they envy. By not being able to compete technologically, economically and monitarily you just bitch cause you can't handle it. You tout your fucking rhetoric and don't say anything. There is a reason why the USA is the only first world country (super power for those of you who don't understand the whole world class designations)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Excuse me...but you've never heard of a little country called, "JAPAN" have you?
    Guess who makes 95% of the radios, TVs, Computers, VCRs, etc... you and your fellow fuckwits buy every damned day?
    Does the word "GERMANY" sound familiar. Guess where the foremost authority on Rocketry came from? Do you even remember his name? Did you realize that a German is completely responsible for the success of modern rocket science?
    As a side note, despite several treaties signed by U.S. Presidents, the United States has the worlds largest stockpile of Chemical Weapons?
    What do you say to that?

    Oh, and with the rather shoddy dialect of American you use, that last sentence seemed rather open ended.
  17. Matthew

    Matthew New Member

    ok, people that DONT live in this country that talk shit about it dont really bother me that much. But people that do live here and always say how much they hate it bother the shit out of me. Ever seen the movie clerks? Remember dante and his "im not even supposed to be here" shit? Seriously randall needs to come over to you and slap the ever living shit out of you. For one dont just sit there and bitch about it, go out do something about what you think is wrong, or you can always leave. Your entitled to your opinion but seriously do you sit there at work and constantly bitch about how much you hate being there? Our country allready has too many people here, seriously there wont be any one missing you when you leave.
  18. Matthew

    Matthew New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kaptain Skitzo:
    Excuse me...but you've never heard of a little country called, "JAPAN" have you?
    Guess who makes 95% of the radios, TVs, Computers, VCRs, etc... you and your fellow fuckwits buy every damned day?
    Does the word "GERMANY" sound familiar. Guess where the foremost authority on Rocketry came from? Do you even remember his name? Did you realize that a German is completely responsible for the success of modern rocket science?
    As a side note, despite several treaties signed by U.S. Presidents, the United States has the worlds largest stockpile of Chemical Weapons?
    What do you say to that?

    Oh, and with the rather shoddy dialect of American you use, that last sentence seemed rather open ended.

    Germany was the first to have rockets, i believe it was under hitlers rule if im not mistaken. But how many times have they been on the moon?
  19. Matthew

    Matthew New Member

    i have nothing against germany btw, they seem to really have gotten their shit together. except for all the damn scat videos, god damn that shit is grose.
  20. FrostyDaSnowPimp

    FrostyDaSnowPimp New Member

    The retard makes a point. Sure Germany may have pioneered rocketry, but where are they now? Lagging way behind. Who is the only country that has reuseable spacecraft? The USA. As for Japan, sure they may have the edge on production, but if you are going to say that Germany is the leading rocketry experts then the US is still leading the way for computers and stereos and television, since they were all pioneered in the US. Also, if you care to re-read my previous post, i said they are in the lead in MOST forms of technology, not all. I acknowledge that we may be alittle behind or tied as far as entertainment technology goes with Japan, but have you heard of a little place called the Silicon Valley? Producers of all major PCs and designers of the most complex super computers in the world. Also, you speak of exports, the US contracts out to other countries with lower wages to reduce pricing. Though the exports may not be created on US soil they were certainly designed and owned corporations in the US.

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