Here's an idea ...

Discussion in 'Jokes, Funny Stories and other Text.' started by chester grape, Aug 13, 2003.

  1. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Fuck. You mean to tell me that within the confines of your house you do not have a single device capable of recording audio?
  2. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    I do but I dont know how to get ... whatever

    I know how to get her to do it.. I will jus have some one call me on speaker phone

    shit if you realy want to hear it give a niggah a call after tuesday

    All I have to do is show her a toy, and let her have it...

    man her eyes are weird,,, I think she needs some eyeliner... maybe some fake lashes...

    word... I just got the call .. I am out fo tha night niggahs... gots to go get my Birfday shit on...
  3. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    It's not all that difficult. If your computer has a microphone - you're set. Open up "Sound Recorder" (start > programs > accessories > sound recorder) - and you're fuckin' there. Save it as a wav file through that program, and if you want to be considerate, use a program like "Blade and Razorblade" to encode it to mp3 - then upload it (or just send the goddamn thing to me).

    I really want to hear this shit.

    BTW, Happy fucking birfday.
  4. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

    Run along and play, wyrm... Let the grown-ups have a discussion now...
  5. ScythopicPsycho

    ScythopicPsycho New Member

    Yeah, the black-wearing and white dog is a problem for me as well. I generally wear black shirts, and I have a white German Shepherd.(not albino, however.) But I can tell the inbreeding fucked her up, due to her constant walking into walls.
  6. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    o! so dis's weare al'a de white bitches at..
  7. Lomotil

    Lomotil Active Member

  8. Juicebox

    Juicebox New Member

    hi everyone - new here - its completely unreal how the majority of the people here are so fucking paranoid. take it easy boys and girls. you are racist because you are afraid, very afraid of god only knows what. suggestion: see a shrink or maybe a councellor. because you are going to have to wake up and smell the black coffee my friends. where are you all living? in some little isolated space far away from any comprehensible realm of reality? you are not doing yourselves any favors - black, brown, yellow, green - whatever you pink pieces of shit are afraid of - they are here to stay, and on the increase. in fact you should have had your whole lives to get used to this as its always been the case. i dont need to continue to state the obvious here so be nice and stop putting yourselves down all your complexes and insecurities. you wont make life any easier on yourselves. ta ta losers
  9. Ulfur Engil

    Ulfur Engil New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by juicebox:
    Yo buss dis. whuz up all yall - new here - its completely unreal how de majority uh de folk here be so fuckin paranoid. take it easy boys an' young hos. you be racis because you be afraid, very afraid uh god only knows what. suggestion: see a shrink or maybe a councellor. See what I'm sayin? because you be goin to gotta wake up an' smell de black coffee my friends. where isyah all livin? in some li'l isolated space far away from any comprehensible realm uh reality? you ain't doin yourselves any favors - black, brown, yellow, green - whatevuh you pink pieces uh shit be afraid uh - dey be here to stay, an' on de pumps up. in fact you should has had yo whoe lives to git uset to dis as its always been de case. i dont need to continue to state de obvious here so be nice an' stop puttin yourselves down all yo complexes an' insecurities. you wont make life any easiuh on yourselves. ta ta losers Sheeit!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    You asked for it, pillow-biter....
  10. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    I be not afraid of de knee grow...
    I still let them cut mt grass.

    foe real niggah

    a joke is a joke... if I crack a joke about a retard, its not that I hate retards, or Im scared of them... its cause retards are funny.

    and lets face it ... good ole nigger joke are funny. If you dont like the forum... get your black ass on outta here

    for you have been a ....

  11. Juicebox

    Juicebox New Member

    who says i am black - dont make speculations like that. it shows how limited you actually are.
    you sound like a man with a little pink dick with desperate need for recognition. i suppose this forum is as good as any place to get that since you wont get it nowhere else.
    is that a speculation or a fact? you tell us honey.
    i dont blame you for being a miserable sod as this world is a place where you cant possibly find peace!

    i like this forum - highly amusing. and i can write whatever i damn well please you lousy son of a two balled bitch.
  12. Ulfur Engil

    Ulfur Engil New Member

    Boy, don't you just love pissy little English bitches who need to have something to protest, just so they can seem like they are worth a damn in this world?

    It seems like you are the one with issues here. None of us pose any direct threat to you, but you have this overwhelming urge to "make a difference," so you come in here, rant about the "evils" of our ways, when you opinion wasn't even solicited.....It's equivalent to the little brat who constantly screams at his mother "Pay attention to me! Pay attention to me!!!" You have the self-esteem of an unflushed turd.

    Nobody cares enough about to feel impacted by what you have to say. Useless pieces of shit like you will make no difference in the world.
    So, do yourself, England, and the rest of the world a favor and kill yourself. Only then will you truly make the world a better place.
  13. Ulfur Engil

    Ulfur Engil New Member

    Okay, so now she has tired to attack me privately:

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Posted by juicebox in Ulfur Engil's message box:

    my statement stands. another sorry bitter sod with nothin remotely interesting to say.
    chances are, you are a guy with a little pink dick desperate for some kind of recognition, who probably feels sorry for himself and is rather upset about his waisted fuck up of a life which could have been oh so much more fruitful considering his dominant white position - i mean, you do have the right genes right? but no, not even that has helped you out and you realise that you are the fuck up yourself. chances are you are rock bottom of the honorary white ladder anyway. shit happens. and you know i am right too. its a classic case.
    keep fightin baby, keep on talking shit - it wont make no difference anyways. at least here you are rather safe - doesnt seem like you will get much of a c****enge. you little wuss. go to the real world and spread your wonderful words of wisdom. i dare you.

    As many of you know me in real life, you know that I have it pretty good. I have a decent job, a wonderful and unique girlfriend, and my circle of friends overlaps here in Fugly, and I am proud to say that it does.

    So, why in the hell would she presume that I have it bad, that I am ill-endowed, and that I come here only to "hide?"

    She either wants me, or she is on the verge of committing suicide because no one has listened to her whine. God, I hope it is the latter.

    (And yes, with her using the word "pink" over and over to refer to whites, she may actually be a knee-grow)
  14. Juicebox

    Juicebox New Member

    my statement stands. another half wit with nothing of remote interest to say. keep tryin bore me to tears. yawn. your song is so old and rather tiring.
  15. Juicebox

    Juicebox New Member

    yes of course, you are right! its the one who is not racist and does not have hate and disgust for the world and all its 'darker' inhabitants, with serious issues and should killl themselves. you are absolutely right.
    and hey you got me there my friend - spot on - i have always had a self esteme issue - apparently! which as you say is presented so effectively by my simply having a different view on things. i like the way you think.
    well done for sussing me out .

    however i didnt realise you were going to get so sensitive on me! one would almost think that you are the prissy english biatch.

    lets get the facts straight here my dear - by having the stance of overtly, with no provocation, dissing people, hating them, and outright making jokes on other their expense does not in any way signify strengh in character. it iin fact shows a characters frailty, insecurity, complex and the need for self justification and worth. it is the oldest concept. surely, being the educated man with the privaliged background you claim to have, you should realise that.
    it is that which makes you in fact a useless assecory in the worlds outfit and will end up making no positive contribution. but of course i gather, you wouldnt want to anyway.
    being a good boy on the surface and paying your taxes surely should be enough. of course.
  16. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Damn it's embarrassing to read the crap you write juicebox.Do yourself a favour and shut up.
  17. Juicebox

    Juicebox New Member

    thats all you can say.
    with a name like that - seems like your time is up buddy.
  18. unlimited-time

    unlimited-time Active Member

    Why don't you fuck off back to the christian chat rooms.
  19. Tojo Burbage

    Tojo Burbage New Member

    She's baaaaaack, buddy!
  20. Juicebox

    Juicebox New Member

    still here? damn. what religion has to do with this is beyond me. common sense will do.
    no, i'm going to stay right here - but i do think its time for you to fuck off you sleazy git. you got nothing to say anyway.

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