
Discussion in 'Jokes, Funny Stories and other Text.' started by Nicodemus, Apr 29, 2003.

  1. Meikle

    Meikle New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote
    yup. absolutely no snobage there...
  2. DADDY

    DADDY New Member

    Hey pygmy-asshat, I was talking about OUR revolution you dim witted cunt sore! After all, YOU are the one that brought that one up(or is your brain THAT fucked that you cant even recall or look back at what you typed) But seeing as how you are such the master of history, you already knew that. And since when did the US sell the fucking Saddam regime tanks, jets, helicopters and anti aircraft weapons? Oh, your bad, that was the French selling them military goods built by them and Russia.

    The animocity that is held by the American people towards the French at this point is due to the fact that they sat in the United Nations(which just happens to be on US soil) and flat out said they would veto ANYTHING that would sanction UN backing of military action within Iraq. ANYTHING! Why? Because they knew full well that all the illegal trading they where doing with Iraq would be for nothing and they would not be able to get the oil they where getting for pennies on the dollar anymore. That is why they where seaking a "peacefull" solution. Right! They where intentionaly jeopardizing(sp) the saftey of the US by allowing this know terrorist supporting nation to continue AND helping them to prosper.

    Is the US government pretty fucked up? You betcha. Goes as far as a little saying, "I love my country, but fear my government". At the same time we have the best government in the world when it comes to protecting OUR freedom. Isnt that what they are supposed to do?!?

    You jackass, you really should look up a few facts before you let your ignorance show.

    And one more thing, if you think is about the common people that live within these countries and such, you are more of an idiot than you first appear to be!!!

    Now that that is over, lets go get a beer and tell jokes!
  3. Slayer of Pygmy Babies

    Slayer of Pygmy Babies New Member

    Nice attempt, very nice attempt, but go back and do a bit of double checking before you condone American sweatshops funded by America in the poorest countries in the world they want to "protect" for your fucking freedom, the interests of one nation does not rise abve all others you stuck up shit eating fool, And if I recall France is not the only country to Veto or disregard UN peaceful sanctions or statutes, why was it not the great almighty united states that REFUSED flatly to sign the UN moritorium on the UNIVERSAL RIGHTS OF A CHILD, one of only six countries that refused, six countries on the fucking planet! And hmmm, Kyoto protocol....oh yes that, and when someone says that the American revolution "inspired" the French to revolt I will fyucking retort anytime, but I refuse to let one more second of fucking "we are better than you" bullshit go on, you are not the fuicking saviours of the fucking world, yes your government is fucked up, the majority of the people are OK but in order to become the fuckling government you require the pathetic ass voter turnout that America manages to produce "cradle of demopcracy my ass" to vote FOR them (even thoughin this case they cheated) If you government is corrupt or fucked up....VIVA LA REVOLUTION! Do something about it you snivelling, cunt-faced asswipe before you decide to try and tell the rest of the world to be good little human beings.
  4. Meikle

    Meikle New Member

    thats not a very nice way to talk about your mom.
  5. DADDY

    DADDY New Member

    Look at little pygmy-diddler, now he is starting to grab at straws. Lets pull up everything that the US has done(which I pretty much covered in "our government is screwed up") to be able to slam the States.

    This whole thing is based on a matter of National pride. I am VERY proud to be an American. I am VERY proud that I can ride my Harley from the Pacific to the Atlantic without anyone questioning me AND I can say whatever the fuck I want along the way. Have you forgotten how huge America is and how many people live here? The only two other countries larger(China and Russia, so you wont have to think) have a much worse record than we do(mainly humanitarian). Its pretty basic to understand, the larger the country, the more involved and difficult it is to run. Add in there the human factor and oh boy.

    Another thought, if America is such a horrible place, why is it that soooo many people from foreign countries move here non-stop?!? Dont be a fucking idiot and tell me they are not. I live in Seattle which is a major sea port. This place is a melting pot.

    And last, but NOT least you infantile puke, I NEVER SAID THE US WAS BETTER THAN ANYBODY! Did I? Nope, that is just something that non Americans throw in as soon as we begin to defend ourselves or debate publicly.

    NOT sorry to be an American!
  6. DADDY

    DADDY New Member

    Oops, forgot this part....Where in the hell did you ever get the idea that *I* said we inspired the French revolution?!? Go back and read my posts', you wont find anything that says so.
  7. Slayer of Pygmy Babies

    Slayer of Pygmy Babies New Member

    I don't really give a shit if your proud, whoop-de-fucking-do, im proud to live in a country that isn't willing to be pushed around by a political strong arm on nuclear powered craft or free trade embargoes, congratulations, you noticed that its ok to have Patriotism, false patriotism is the bad thing, it can inspire people to do anything, like go to war.

    I don't expect to change your mind about shit or mature your attitude, congratulations for Seattle, melting pot wohoo! Likewise my city is the biggest port in the country and is the biggest racially mixed city in the southern hemisphere, it happens.
    But, like here, the reason people from all over the place leave their homes to go to a "better" (i use the "" because it is debatable weather a coutry is better or not at all.) Is one thing. MONEY. Unfortunately it drives life.

    You can continue to try and attack me, my knowledge of socio-political events and status but I will continue to sit here and watch this world go to shit because of your country, thankyou good night! I will go back to drinking my beer now...lets just hope there wern't so many fucking spelling errors this time round.
  8. DADDY

    DADDY New Member

    And watch this world go to shit because of my country?!? ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?!?!?!?!?

    This debate is over on my behalf. I now know you are just an ignorant moron and I dont care to continue with someone that is going to make wide swept idiotic statements.

    Just for good measure..... !
  9. Slayer of Pygmy Babies

    Slayer of Pygmy Babies New Member

    Once again believe everything is about you...no, not go to shit because of America, a part, big part yes, but by no means is it the only, or most fucked up place on the planet, you just compelled me to answer.
  10. Bubs

    Bubs New Member

    tra la la la la
    la la ..... la la.....la la la la la la

    tra la la la la la la la la la

    be happy

  11. DADDY

    DADDY New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slayer of Pygmy Babies:

    ....but I will continue to sit here and watch this world go to shit because of your country....

    I know I said I was done, but I just want to point out to you Slayer, that YOU said my country will make the world go to shit. Not me. Now how is that thinking its all about me? YOUR THE ONE THAT TYPED IT!?!?!
  12. bboy1977

    bboy1977 New Member

    England, Ireland and Yanks suck?

    The joke's in this forum are getting hilarious!
  13. Meikle

    Meikle New Member

    ok liam, im getting pissed off with your american bashing. they're just naturally trying to stand up for their country coz they live there. im sure we ALL know that the family of Bush's are the morons upon morons. not every american who loves his country.
  14. Slayer of Pygmy Babies

    Slayer of Pygmy Babies New Member

    My apologies for that particular part, the whole world is going down, it was not supposed to be specific...but then, i am a small country bastard that has to put up with dumb mother fuckers everyday.

    Oh meikle, sit down and shut up, if you wanna get involved you better find your brain first, you left it at McDownloads you cunt...
  15. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    ugh... I miss talking to rat on the phone...

    P.S. Everywhere and everybody fucking sucks... i can't wait until this whole world blows up
  16. ratatouille

    ratatouille New Member

    weird, IMC...I was gonna PM you and ask for your digits again. I miss talking to you too and Lomo. I'm am rarely home and when I am I am taking care of neglected chores, bills, etc... It's hard for me to keep in touch. Big kisses to you IMC.

    Anyway, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, USA haters. Yeah, so Bush sucks my asshole. Big fucking deal. I love my goddamn country. Just because Bush in office for a few years doesnt make the entire country suck. If Americans arent happy here they should try voting once in a fucking while. No one has a right to bitch about how fucked things are unless they have tried to have their voice heard by electing local officials and going to the polls to vote for issues. I voted against Bush, and against this anti-smoking law crap in FL and I lost on both counts. SO I GET TO BITCH. now die or eat my feces bitches. :dumbasses:
  17. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ratilla the hun:
    weird, IMC...I was gonna PM you and ask for your digits again. I miss talking to you too and Lomo. I'm am rarely home and when I am I am taking care of neglected chores, bills, etc... It's hard for me to keep in touch. Big kisses to you IMC.


    call me anytime (919)413-6773
  18. sayter_74

    sayter_74 New Member

    Hey, I'm a American in the Navy,I drink beer and fuck all your women!!! I've partied with Brits,Irish and all you other great people!! Had a blast doing it to,I cant stand that cockeyed,monkey fuckin Bush,I voted for Charelton Heston!! I think we should all get together somewhere...liek france,that way we dont ruin our great homes and party like hell and trash the place.Would be no big loss,or that other cowardly shit hole canada....now there is another group of pussy ass sheep shaggers!!!
  19. cittykat

    cittykat New Member

    Damn! that was one sexy ass fight! i love you dirty europians
  20. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    who invited the ethiopians?... c'mon you know they only end up smoking the aspidistras and headbutting the cattle

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