The Explorers

Discussion in 'Jokes, Funny Stories and other Text.' started by kmog, Sep 4, 2003.

  1. kmog

    kmog New Member

    There were these three explorers who got captured by a tribe of cannibals. The tribe told the explorers that they were to go out into the forest and collect 10 fruits of the same kind and to return. A couple of hours pass by and the first explorer returns with apples, The cannibals told him he was to shove the fruit up his ass without making a face or noise if he did they would eat him. Well gets the first apple in and then makes a face so they eat him. Shortly after the second explorer returns with cherries, they tell him the exact same thing well he gets all the way too the last one and he busts out laughing. Later on in Heaven the first two explorers are talking and he says, “Man you had one more to go why did you laugh?” he replied, well I saw the last guy coming with watermelons..
  2. Monkey_butt

    Monkey_butt New Member

    its better with pineapples.. cuz that shit would hurt.. wonder if theres a fruit that mixes pineapples and watermelon.....

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