racist jokes

Discussion in 'Jokes, Funny Stories and other Text.' started by Psycho Bob, May 17, 2001.

  1. Psycho Bob

    Psycho Bob New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by logical_oxymoron:
    one day, a black man and his son were riding in an airplane when the pilot announced that the plane was going to crash unless they got rid of some excess weight. after dumping the cargo, the pilot announced that some passengers would have to sacrifice their lives in order to save the others. the pilot decided that the only fair way to do this was alphabetically. so he starts, "african-americans"......"blacks"... the little boy turns to his father and asks, "daddy, don't we belong in those categories?" the father turns to his son and replies, "no son, today, we're niggers"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Now that i like! how about these....

    Why do niggers smell so bad?
    So blind people can hate them too

    Why does Stevie Wonder smile all the time?
    He doesn't know he's black

    How do you stop a nigger from hanging around in your front yard?
    Hang him in the back

    What do you do when you see a nigger with one leg?
    Stop laughing and re-load

    Why are niggers so strong?
    T.V.'s are getting heavier

    What do you call a nigger having sex?

    What is the difference between batman and a black man?
    Batman can go out at night without robin

    What do niggers and sperm have in common?
    Only one in two million work

    Why do niggers always have sex on their minds?
    Because of the pubic hair on their heads.
  2. logical_oxymoron

    logical_oxymoron New Member

    what do u call a black man on a bike?
    -a theif

    what do u call four mexicans in quicksand?
    -quatro cinco ("sinko")

    what do u call a black man with no arms and no legs?

    one day, a black man and his son were riding in an airplane when the pilot announced that the plane was going to crash unless they got rid of some excess weight. after dumping the cargo, the pilot announced that some passengers would have to sacrifice their lives in order to save the others. the pilot decided that the only fair way to do this was alphabetically. so he starts, "african-americans"......"blacks"... the little boy turns to his father and asks, "daddy, don't we belong in those categories?" the father turns to his son and replies, "no son, today, we're niggers"
  3. Silent But Deadly

    Silent But Deadly New Member

    Q- What would you cal Fred Flintstone if he were black?

    A- Nigger
  4. JohnRambo86

    JohnRambo86 New Member

    Q- What does Pink Floyd and Dale Earnhardt have in common ?

    A- Their last big hit was the WALL
  5. Jurkin 24-7

    Jurkin 24-7 New Member

    a puerto rican a black and a mexican are in a car, who's driving?

    the police!
  6. potential nightmare

    potential nightmare New Member

    How long does it take a nigger to take a shit?


    Underground Radio at it's finest www.geocities.com/randallradio

    [ August 11, 2001: Message edited by: potential nightmare ]
  7. Your Mother

    Your Mother New Member

    Hi! I’m either very stupid and tried to copy what that ass-fucking piece of shit Wandering Porn Dealer did, or I actually AM Wandering Porn Dealer and registered this account too. The email address I used for this one is invader50@hotmail.com and I came from this IP:

    [ August 13, 2001: Message edited by: Fugly ]
  8. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    what worse then a dead black baby?

    a white one
  9. ChemicalNova

    ChemicalNova New Member

    what do you call a nigger in the road?
    .a speed bump
  10. rob32uk

    rob32uk New Member

    Q. how do you stop an iraqi from drowning?
    A. take ya foot off his head!
  11. asphyxia

    asphyxia New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by geordie:
    Q. how do you stop an iraqi from drowning?
    A. take ya foot off his head!

    and why would you want to? watching the shit drown is more funny....
  12. Bubs

    Bubs New Member

    whats the difference between cuttin up an onion and cuttin up a nigger....
    .if you cant see this one coming from a mile off you should be shot

    .you dont cry when you cut up a nigger yeah yeah, it sucked

    y'know how people say the only vegetable to make you cry is an onion, did ye ever get a slap off a turnip ?
  13. Meikle

    Meikle New Member

    Q: what do you call an african american nobel prize winner
    A: nigger

    Q: what do you call a black man who helped build the death star?
    A: nigger
  14. Coma White

    Coma White New Member

    What the difference between a nigger thats been run over by a car and dog thats been run over?
    There's brake marks infront of the dog

    Any one got soem good jokes about the fucking jews???
  15. Bubs

    Bubs New Member

    why did they wander round the desert for 40 years ?

    some-one dropped a quarter

    how do you fit 40 jews in a car ?
    2 in the front, 3 in the back and 35 in the ashtray

  16. sayter_74

    sayter_74 New Member

    Q. What do they do with niggers in FL??
    A. De-bone them and sell them as wet suites.

    Q.What do you call Mike Tyson without arms?
    A. Niger nigger nigger!

    Q.What did teh mexican do with his first 50 cent piece?
    A. Married it.

    Why did mexicas invent refried beans?
    A. Ever seen a mexican that didnt fuck things up first time around?
  17. eMolee

    eMolee New Member

    Why doesn't Mexico have an Olympic team?
    anyone who can run jump or swim is already gone

    Whats the difference between bread and a jew?
    Bread doesn't scream when you put it in the oven

    Why do jews have big noses?
    Cause air is free

    A priest and a rabbi are walking past a playground, the priest says lets go fuck those kids
    the rabbi says "yeah! out of what?"
  18. Meikle

    Meikle New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>
    Q.What do you call Mike Tyson without arms?
    A. Niger nigger nigger!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    i dont get it...
  19. Slayer of Pygmy Babies

    Slayer of Pygmy Babies New Member

    He cannot hit you with his big, beefy boxer arms if e doesn't have any can he....mind you, Mike Tyson will just bite you.
  20. chode

    chode New Member

    what do you call an invisible Paki
    a fart

    why do jewish women like their men circumsized?
    because they like everything 25% off

    What do you call a black man with a peg leg?
    shit on a stick

    Whats long black and smelly?
    the unemployment line

    why can't asians play hockey?
    because every time they get into a corner they open up a variety store

    Whens the only time you can spit on an italian woman's face?
    when her moustache is on fire

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