Some one who is in a wheelchair and is mentally handicapped is refered to as a Vegtable! - It's hard work at times!
Dont bother, devdev never gets any jokes. He must be 13 or a fuckin tard... we just ignore him around here.
Ayayayay... Dude, if you don't understand maybe you should return to learning English so you can hope to understand just a little more and maybe find soe funny...or come up with some funny ones. Q: What do you call a pointless Canadian who doesn't understand jokes? A: devdev is a dumb fucker
AH HA HA HA HA HA HA, now that was a funny one, devdev is a dumb fucker, that gets me every time, ha ha...
that depends if he still left his brain at mcdownloads... and what was that thing that other guy always said?.... oh yeah! ...FOR ME TO POOP ON!
what is with eveyone talkin about McDownloads... I think I missed something and stop talking about devdev... its not nice to make fun of the handicapped
I would never mock a retarded person, devdev is.....ummmmmm, hmmmmmmmmmmmm, well I would rather a retard married my sister than devdev... In fact I would probably shoot them both for good luck.
devdev cracked a bullshit joke that goes: Bill and brain went to mcdownlaods and brain decides to skip class and bill goes off. the teacher asks the class "who knows why the internet is such a useful tool?" and bill says "thats easy, you can get free porn" and the teachers says "bill, this is a class! wheres your brain?" and bill replies "at mcdownloads"
ive been making sure he gets all the credit he deserves for his "fantasimal joke of the gods" (thank you bubs)
oh sweet mercifull crap, I just pissed myself laughing at that little retard, oh jesus, where the hell do you get all those hilarious pictures icenhour ? aw man, my chest hurts from laughing... that was so fucking funny
hey i would just like to say that i am from canada and i got the joke. And that this devdev guy is out of his fucking mind