asdf victim

Discussion in 'Jokes, Funny Stories and other Text.' started by 1337, Jun 10, 2003.

  1. 1337

    1337 New Member

    bayou_track_star: hi
    bayou_track_star: wanna role play a
    tina_the_great_69: ok
    tina_the_great_69: i will be a tree
    bayou_track_star: what a tree
    bayou_track_star: explain
    tina_the_great_69: you dont know what a tree is?
    bayou_track_star: i know what a tree is but how u gonna role play like that
    tina_the_great_69: ok fine ill be a house
    bayou_track_star: just follow my lead ok
    tina_the_great_69: ok
    bayou_track_star: its a stormy night and u hear a knock on your door
    bayou_track_star: (knock knock)
    tina_the_great_69: WHOS THERE?
    bayou_track_star: ummm my name is jared can i use your phone
    bayou_track_star: my car broke down in this storm
    tina_the_great_69: COME IN
    bayou_track_star: hey u there
    bayou_track_star: i [got disconnected
    bayou_track_star: soory
    tina_the_great_69: asshole
    bayou_track_star: im sorry
    bayou_track_star: thank you for letting me come in
    bayou_track_star: mmmm where is the phone?
    tina_the_great_69: ITS ON ONE MF MY MANY OAK TABLES
    bayou_track_star: ok can u show me?
    tina_the_great_69: OVER THERE
    bayou_track_star: thank you
    bayou_track_star: (dialimg numbers)
    tina_the_great_69: DONT CALL LONG DISTANCE
    bayou_track_star: hi my name is jared and i was wondering if i could get a tow truck my car broke down
    bayou_track_star: ummm ok thank you
    bayou_track_star: (hangs up the phone)
    bayou_track_star: they said they can't send anyone till tomorrow morning
    bayou_track_star: bec the storm is too bad
    bayou_track_star: u mind if i wait out the storm with you?
    tina_the_great_69: YES
    tina_the_great_69: GET OUT OF ME NOW
    tina_the_great_69: *ANGRY HOUSE VOICE
    bayou_track_star: look i just don't wanna get sick or die in this storm outside
    tina_the_great_69: I AM OUTSIDE IN THE RAIN
    bayou_track_star: gets naked in the living room and rips her shirt open
    tina_the_great_69: YOU MEAN MY WALLPAPER?
    bayou_track_star: u cracked i quit
    tina_the_great_69: *I CREAK IN THE RAIN
    tina_the_great_69: MY STAIRS ARE HARDWOOD!
  2. badboygallagher

    badboygallagher New Member

    u suck so bad
  3. ChemicalNova

    ChemicalNova New Member

    youre a fucking retard.
  4. mitch

    mitch New Member

    That reeked.

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