3rd world and racist jokes for all !

Discussion in 'Jokes, Funny Stories and other Text.' started by Bubs, Apr 3, 2003.

  1. Bubs

    Bubs New Member

    whats the definition of being mean ?

    putting a bomb under a wheelchair and telling the cripple to run for it!

    how do you kill 100 flies in a single shot?

    smack an ethiopan in the face with a frying pan

    what do you call a leper in a swimming pool?

    a disprin

    what do you call a gang of lepers in a swimming pool ?


    whats the fastest thing on earth ?

    a chicken running through somalia

    whats the 2nd fastest thing on earth ?

    the mob behind it

    whats wrong with driving a van load of niggers of a cliff ?

    nothing at all

    what do you call a nigger with a wooden leg?

    shit on a stick

    a teacher asks her class -
    "ok children, what does a doggy say?"
    a little white boy says -
    "woof woof"
    then the teacher asks-
    "and what does a cat say?"
    a little asian girl says-
    fianlly the teacher says-
    "and what does a pig say?"
    and a little black kid says-

    Why do pimps hate square dancing?

    cause when someone shouts hoe-down, they think one of thier bitches has been shot

    how do you drown a nigger ?

    chuck him in the water and burst his lips

    whats long, black, and smells horrible?

    the welfare line

    whats the difference between a dead dog in the road, and a dead nigger in the road?

    theres skid marks infront of the dog

    in an apartment building, theres 3 floors...
    floor one - whites
    floor two - whites
    floor three - niggers
    if this building where to explode, who would die first ?

    the niggers, cause everyone else is at work

    how do you stop an Iraqi bingo game ?

    shout B52

    theres a white guy, and a nigger on top of a 50 story building...
    the white guy says -
    "y'know, the wind current is just right today for some one to jump off, swing off the 20th floor flag pole, and drift back up"
    the nigger, obviously dosn't beleive this guy, so he jumps down, swings on the flag pole and drifts back up...
    the nigger cant belive this, so he jumps off and SPLAT !
    two cops walk by, one of them says....
    "looks like supermans been fuckin with those niggers again"

    why is there only ever two pall-bearers at a nigger funeral ?

    theres only 2 handles on a trash can

    a white man is talking his racoon out for a walk, when a black man says-
    "thats a real nice dog ya got there sir"
    the white guy says -
    "this aint a dog"
    black guy says-
    "oh sorry sir, its a real nice cat"
    white guy says-
    "this aint a cat, youve been called this all your life and you dont know what it is???"
    black guy says-
    "WOW, you mean you've got a real life mother fucker there?"

    how do you make a nigger nervous ?

    bring him to an auction

    theres a KKK trucker driving through the desert, he see's a priest walking, so he gives him a lift to town, later on he see's a nigger walkin to town, he thinks to himself-
    "fuck, wish I could hit that nigger, but the priest will damn me to hell...."
    so he comes up with a plan, he pretends to fall asleep and veer over to the left of the road, sure enough, he hears a thud and springs up-
    "oh deary me, did I hit that man"
    the priest says-
    "no you missed him, but I nailed the fucker with my bible"

    what did the little nigger down the street get for his birthday ?

    your bike

    what do you call 3 niggers hanging in a barn ?

    antique farm equipment

    how many ethiopians can you fit in a bath tub ?

    none, they always slip down the drain

    what do you call a nigger with a BIG afro ?

    a microphone

    theres a white man, a nigger, and a mexican standing on a cliff... and they have to jump,
    the mexican says -
    "this is for my people! ORALE!"
    and he jumps...
    the white guy says -
    "this is for my people!"
    and he shoves the nigger off the cliff...

    why are blacks so tall ?

    cause their NE-GROWS

    what did the mexican fire chief name his sons?

    hose A and hose B

    whats the name of the dad in the jetsons ?
    whats the name of the mom in the jetsons ?
    whats the name of the nigger kid in the jetsons?
    there aint no nigger kid, aint the future great !

    why are niggers so fast ?

    they spent the first nine months of life runnin from a coat hanger

    .........wow thats a shit load of crappy jokes...
  2. Icenhour

    Icenhour New Member

    Liked the Jetsons joke, but the dad from that was George, and the mom was Jane, Daughter Judy, Elroy son. Astro Dog, Rosey was the maid. God why do I still remember that shit
  3. tictacten

    tictacten New Member

    that was shitty caca up the yin yang. but atleast your Irish. catholic?
  4. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    does the pope shit in the woods?
  5. Bubs

    Bubs New Member

    Eh, whatever their names are, you get the joke...

    nuff' said
  6. Fuku

    Fuku New Member

    No, he shits in your dinner.
  7. i hate you

    i hate you New Member

    Nigger jokes are great
  8. ~Pep~

    ~Pep~ New Member

    A young blonde was on vacation in the depths of Louisiana. She wanted a pair of genuine alligator shoes in the worst way, but was very reluctant to pay the high prices the local vendors were asking.

    After becoming very frustrated with the "no haggle" attitude of one of the shopkeepers, the blonde shouted, "Maybe I'll just go out and catch my own alligator so I can get a pair of shoes at a reasonable price!"

    The shopkeeper said, "By all means, be my guest. Maybe you'll luck out and catch yourself a big one!" Determined, the blonde turned and headed for the swamps, set on catching herself an alligator.

    Later in the day, the shopkeeper was driving home, when he spotted the young woman standing waist deep in the water, shotgun in hand. Just then, he saw a huge 9-foot alligator swimming quickly toward her. She took aim, killed the creature, and with a great deal of effort hauled it on to the swamp bank. Lying nearby were several more of the dead creatures. The shopkeeper watched in amazement. Just then the blonde flipped the alligator on its back, and frustrated, shouts out, "Damn it, this one isn't wearing any shoes either!"
  9. stymie

    stymie New Member

    Hey PEP. Did you have to post this lame joke twice? I wouldn't have minded if it was funny.

    Please consider suicide you cunt.
  10. Coma White

    Coma White New Member

    hahaha. nigger jokes are funny, but jokes about kites are even better.

    Q: What do you call an Isreali marathon:

    A: Moving targets

    Q:What do you call isreali children:

    A: Target practice
  11. Slayer of Pygmy Babies

    Slayer of Pygmy Babies New Member

    Wow, the last time I heard that pathetic shit joke it was followed by;

    "I don't believe in fairies, I don't believe in fairies, I don't believe in fairies!"
    Then Elton John died.

    Some people have the most pathetic shit sense of humour.
  12. Meikle

    Meikle New Member

    replace elton john with 'slayer of pygmy babies' and the joke is funny...
  13. Coma White

    Coma White New Member

    are you talking to 'bout my joke, you cunt?
  14. djdev

    djdev New Member

    what do you call a nigger with 2 wooden legs

    Waste of wood.
  15. Meikle

    Meikle New Member

    Q. where did the nigger leave his brain when he went to get liquored up?

    A. at mcdownloads...
  16. Meikle

    Meikle New Member

    Q: what do you get when devdev has free posting priveliges?
    A: mcdownloads...
  17. djdev

    djdev New Member

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="verdana">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Meikle:
    Q: what do you get when devdev has free posting priveliges?
    A: mcdownloads...

    LOL Shiet!@ I laff so hard I think I broke mY RIBZ
  18. Slayer of Pygmy Babies

    Slayer of Pygmy Babies New Member

    Wow, a partial ebonics speaking homo Canadian moose fucker decides to try and insult someone....hahahahahaha, wooooah, watch out! DevDev is on the rampage! Its like this time a herd of rabid penguins charged through town and nobody gave a fuck because they are just fucking penguins.

    eat shit and die devdev, your mother would appreciate avoiding the jail time.
  19. Meikle

    Meikle New Member

    i dunno, rabid penguins have more joking power than devdev ever could...
  20. Slayer of Pygmy Babies

    Slayer of Pygmy Babies New Member

    I suppose thats true, depends if they are King penguins, Blue penguins or just yellow eyes.....then they have already been pissed on so are just funny to look at.

    Better get the gun out, I smell Meikle about to make another crack about McDownloads.

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