The Pope aint so bad.....

Discussion in 'Jokes, Funny Stories and other Text.' started by DADDY, Jun 2, 2003.

  1. DADDY

    DADDY New Member

    A priest is out fishing with a local fisherman and pulls one heck of a lunker into the boat. "THATS ONE BIG SON OF A BITCH, FATHER" the fisherman shouts. "PLEASE SON" the shaken priest replies, "dont use such language!". "Sorry father, but thats the name of the fish. Its a son-of-a-bitch fish." The priest thinks for a second and says,"Alright then. If thats its name, then I will forgive you." They get done with the fishing trip and the priest heads back to the church to get ready for dinner. He hands the fish to one of the monks and says, "Clean this son-of-a-bitch and then have one of the nuns cook it for dinner tonight, the Pope will be here". As you guessed, the monk just about fainted at what the father had said. "No, no. Its alright. Thats what type of fish it is." the father told him. The monk is fine with that and cleans the fish. He then takes the fish inside and tells a nun, "The father would like you to cook this son-of-a-bitch for dinner, the Pope will be here." Again, as with the monk, the nun almost faints from such language. "Its alright sister, that is the name of the fish". And as before, she is ok with this and sets to preparing the fish for dinner. Finally the Pope has arrived and everybody has sat down for dinner. The Pope looks at all the lovely food prepared for his honor and is especially taken with the fish. "The fish looks delicious" he says. Before he can utter another word, the priest says "I caught the son-of-a-bitch!", then the monk shouts out, "I cleaned the son-of-a-bitch!", then the nun, "I cooked the son-of-a-bitch!". They all sat there looking quite proud of themselves when the Pope suddenly stood up and said, "YOU FUCKING GUYS ARE ALRIGHT! I AM GOING TO HANG OUT HERE MORE OFTEN!!"
  2. Meikle

    Meikle New Member

    Q: where did elvis leave his brain?
    A: at Burger Kdownloads!

    soon you will be as wise and experienced as i, DADDY, as my posts are many, and yours are few. listen well and absorb my philosophy.
  3. DADDY

    DADDY New Member

    WHOA MEIKLE! I would say the Kiwi sun is getting to you, but its almost winter down there. Been hitting the bottle a bit much these past few days?!?
  4. NameYouWant

    NameYouWant New Member

    The both of you suck.
  5. Meikle

    Meikle New Member

    yo mamma's pu...
  6. Slayer of Pygmy Babies

    Slayer of Pygmy Babies New Member

    Fuck for once I wish winter would actually kick in already....bring out the vodka and whiskey!

    We can sing all our favourite songs over a blazing Maori.

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